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Design Stories for the Future

Time Sunday 9 February, 2020 at 14:00 - 15:00
Place Bildmuseet

Design stories for the future. Maria Göransdotter, teacher and doctoral student at Umeå Institute of Design at Umeå University gives a talk in conjunction with the exhibition Design Matters. Language: Swedish. Free admission.

Industrial design has emerged over the last 100 years. During that period, Design has gone from dealing with issues of designing things for industrial production to addressing increasingly complex phenomena and situations.

How can we today design for a changing future? Perhaps a new kind of design stories – other than those mostly focusing on designed objects – can open up new ways of designing for a more sustainable world.

The exhibition Design Matters presents objects and technologies that may soon become part of our everyday lives. In an age in which we face major challenges, the design of the future has the potential to mark out new pathways. We must produce and consume differently.

Organiser: Bildmuseet
Event type: Other