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Art Friday with Hardcore

Time Friday 29 November, 2019 at 17:00 - 21:00
Place Bildmuseet

UEFF and Bildmuseet welcomes you to an Art Friday with Hardcore. Film, conversation, music and hangout – an evening with Umeå's hardcore scene in focus. Screening of the french documentary "UxÅ: A Journey to the Heart of the Umeå Hardcore Scene", and the bands YDMS, Dream Warriors och The Dumb Fucks live on stage. Café and bar, free admission.

"UxÅ: Journey to the Heart of the Umeå Hardcore Scene"
The three French filmmakers Gianni Manno, Romain Massé and Théophile Pillault returns to Umeå to finally show their film UxÅ. The three friends travelled from France to Umeå in 2014 to meet the Hardcore scene that they had read and heard so much about. They wanted to understand how this subculture became so big in Northern Sweden and Umeå. The result is a curious and entertaining film that alternates personal interviews with archival and background material. UxÅ is a journey through an important part of Umeå's present-day history. It is warm and exciting even for those who were not present when it all began.
The film screening is followed by a Q&A where Maria Engström talks with the filmmakers.

Live music by YDMS, metal hardcore from Skellefteå/Burträsk, Dream Warriors, fast and raw hardcore from Umeå, and The Dumb Fucks, melodic and punky hardcore from Umeå.

In collaboration with Studieförbundet Bilda and Verket Umeå

Organiser: Bildmuseet
Event type: Other