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Arctic Seminar: Yue Wang

Time Tuesday 26 September, 2023 at 11:30 - 13:00
Place Triple Helix & Online

International Cooperation with China in the Global Arctic: Intentions and consequences

On this Arctic Seminar, the Arctic Centre at Umeå University invites Yue Wang, University Teacher and Doctoral Researcher at the Tampere University, Finland. He will present his PhD Project "International Cooperation with China in the Global Arctic: Intentions and consequences".

The project aims to systematically understand the unintended consequences of international cooperation through the lens of international cooperation with China in the Global Arctic, where substantial international cooperation is essential for protection and development. These research questions guide this project:

  1. What, if any, are the unintended consequences of Arctic international cooperation for Chinese and Arctic actors?
  2. How do various actors perceive the unintended consequences of Arctic international cooperation with China?
  3. Why do unintended consequences of Arctic international cooperation with China emerge?


Niklas Eklund, Professor at Department of Political Science, Umeå University


11:30 Lunch Sandwich (free)

12:00 Welcome
12:05 Yue Wang
12:25 Discussion with the researcher by the discussant
12:35 Discussion with the audience
12:50 Questions and ending


The seminar will be on site and online. Since we offer free lunch sandwiches for those who are attending on site, you have to register for your on-site participation, so we can order sandwiches.

Registration form

You do not have to register if you attend online.
Zoom link

Event type: Seminar

Yue Wang
Read about Yue Wang

Lena Maria Nilsson
Read about Lena Maria Nilsson