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Annual Celebration Lectures

Time Saturday 19 October, 2019 at 09:00 - 12:00
Place MIT Building and Natural Sciences Building

The Annual Celebration is the time of year when the University celebrates new honorary doctors, professors, award and medal recipients with a grand ceremony and banquet.

Prior to the evening festivities, guests of honour to the 2019 Annual Celebration hold their inauguration and celebration lectures open to the public. This year's lectures offer a wide variety of subjects ranging from responsible AI and social development to gender-based violence and antibiotic resistance.

36 lectures are offered of which 13 lectures are held in English. The programme starts at 9:00 and finishes at 12:00. Lectures are held in seven parallel lecture halls for 20 minutes with a 10 minute break in between. Coffee, tea and cookies are served at 10:20.

Please note! This year, lectures are held in new locations, now in the MIT Building and the Natural Sciences Building.

View the full programme

List of only English lectures

List of both English and Swedish lectures

Annual Celebration Ceremony and banquet

Festivities follow with the Annual Celebration Ceremony and banquet in Aula Nordica from 17:00.

Read more about the ceremony

Organiser: Umeå University
Event type: Lecture
Anna Lawrence
Read about Anna Lawrence