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An introduction to electron microscopy - Instruments and methods at UCEM

Time Monday 22 March until Tuesday 23 March, 2021 at 13:00 - 12:00
Place Zoom

New and just started EM users are invited to an introduction to all different possibilities and method offered at the facility. It is a condensed summary of all different EM instruments and sample preparation equipment at UmU. We will talk about EM functions, method and discuss results, images and information you can expect from an EM project. Experienced users are also welcome, if you like to learn something new, join selected topics.

Monday March 22nd 13:00-16:00
Tuesday March 23rd 9:00-12:00

UCEM staff

2 days

Fees and credits:
The course will be given in English and is free of charge, no credits will be given.

Find more information and register on the course homepage.  

Event type: Course
Linda Sandblad
Read about Linda Sandblad