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AI Hackathon Pitch event

Time Tuesday 12 October, 2021 at 14:00 - 16:00
Place Online

Life-science and AI researchers will pitch real problems, high-quality data, needs, skills and new ideas. New collaborative sparks will ignite in the group discussions. 

Professor Melanie Mitchell, artificial intelligence researcher at the Santa Fe Institute and acclaimed author of the book ‘Artificial Intelligence: A guide for thinking humans’ closes the event with a keynote titled “Why AI needs a science of intelligence.”


The most promising collaborations from the pitch event will be invited to AI Medicine Hackathon at Granö Beckasin November 29th – December 1st!

Event type: Seminar

Professor Melanie Mitchel, Santa Fe Institute, USA

Gabrielle Beans Picón
Read about Gabrielle Beans Picón