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AI Competence and Education at UmU: What’s next?

Time Friday 25 March, 2022 at 11:00 - 14:00
Place Vardagsrummet, Humanisthuset

Welcome to join a workshop on cross-faculty education and competence development in AI for today and tomorrow’s need for competence. The purpose with the workshop is to inform about what has been done 2018-2021 on development of education in AI at Umeå University as part of AI Competence for Sweden, about the new program WASP-ED, and to discuss further developments and visions regarding AI education.

What and for whom?

It is an opportunity for teachers and researchers at Umeå University to continue the dialogue across subject and faculty boundaries on AI education for today's and tomorrow's workforce needs.

The workshop will be held in english.

Overview of the programme

11.00-12.00 Introduction and summary of training activities
12.00-13.00 Lunch and discussion
13.00-13.45 Panel discussion:

13.45-14.00 Summary
14.00- Continued discussion and mingling 


Register via this form.

More about AI Competence for Sweden 

Umeå University is part of the government's AI Competence for Sweden initiative together with other Swedish universities. The initiative was initiated in 2018. The aim is to increase knowledge of AI in society through a national platform for education and research. Read more here

Organiser: Umeå University
Event type: Workshop
Staff photo Karolina Broman
Karolina Broman
Associate professor
Read about Karolina Broman
Staff photo Marlene Johansson Falck
Marlene Johansson Falck
Read about Marlene Johansson Falck
Staff photo Ingeborg Nilsson
Ingeborg Nilsson
Read about Ingeborg Nilsson
Staff photo Ann-Louise Silfver
Ann-Louise Silfver
Associate professor
Read about Ann-Louise Silfver
Helena Lindgren
Read about Helena Lindgren