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4th Annual CryoNET Symposium

Time Monday 18 October until Tuesday 19 October, 2021 at 13:00 - 16:00
Place online

The 4th Annual CryoNET Symposium will through a panel of distinguished speakers highlight the latest discoveries facilitated by cryo-EM research and new directions that are emerging.

The symposium will be fully accessible as an online meeting, but we will provide viewing and presentation options in Umeå to the extent that the guidelines at the time allow (more info to follow). Students and postdocs are encouraged to apply to give talks.

CryoNET is a network between the Cryo-EM facilities at University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Stockholm University and Umeå University and is funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Visit the homepage of the Symposium for more information, programme and registration details: http://www.cryonet2021.se/.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 August.

Deadline for registration (without submitting abstract): 30 September.

Registration is free, but mandatory to get access to the platform.


Organiser: Umeå University
Event type: Conference
Lars-Anders Carlson
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