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SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series

3D/4D X-ray Microtomography: Insight into materials critical for the green transition

Time Tuesday 21 May, 2024 at 12:00 - 13:00
Place Glasburen, KBC, and Zoom

In the frame of the “SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series”, the seminars will be organised every second Tuesday during spring 2024. The seminars will be held in a hybrid format - IRL in Glasburen, KBC, Umeå, and online via Zoom. Learn more about the seminar series and Schedule for Spring 2024 here.

On 21 May, at 12:00, SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series presents:

3D/4D X-ray Microtomography: Insight into materials critical for the green transition

Presenter: Fredrik Forsberg, Senior Lecturer, Luleå University of Technology, Div. Fluid and Experimental Mechanics

Description: A seminar about high-resolution x-ray microtomography (XCT) and how it can be used for 3D/4D material and process characterisation to support the green transition. During the seminar selected applications will be presented from studies at the X-ray Microtomography Lab at LTU (using a Zeiss Xradia 620 Versa XRM) and using synchrotron tomography. For example, studies of modified wood for increased moisture resistance, studies on hydrogen and CO2 storage in porous bedrock, and studies of minerals critical for the green transition. The seminar ends with a look at future possibilities with Dynamic and Spectral XCT - a new XCT system that soon will be available at LTU.

More information about 3D X-ray microtomography at Luleå University of Technology: https://www.ltu.se/en/research/research-subjects/experimental-mechanics/3d-x-ray-microtomography

Registration: Sign up for the IRL seminar and reserve your free lunch (sandwich, drink, and little sweet snack) by Monday, 20 May, 10:00 a.m.:

or follow online (registration is not required):
Meeting URL: https://umu.zoom.us/j/67909354528
Meeting ID: 679 0935 4528

Organisers: SciLifeLab Site Umeå and Chemical Biological Centre (KBC), Umeå


Organiser: KBC
Event type: Seminar

Fredrik Forsberg

Luleå University of Technology, Div. Fluid and Experimental Mechanics