Swedish name: Utbildningspolicy och pedagogisk praktik ur internationella perspektiv
This syllabus is valid: 2018-01-01 valid to 2023-12-31 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
Syllabus for courses starting after 2024-01-01
Syllabus for courses starting before 2023-12-31
Course code: 6PE239
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: First cycle
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Applied Educational Science
Established by: Head of Department of Applied Educational Science, 2017-06-15
The course introduces research and contexts of education policy. It offers an overview of debates around policy at the level of international organizations, but also at the national level. It examines the relationships between policy contexts, processes and outcomes, and illustrates these through specific examples of policies in Europe and Sweden. The course draws on research on policy and reflects on the connections between education policy and school practice. In particular, the course is structured around: understanding policy in education, how it is implemented and received in schools; what are the values that policies represent and how these values are mediated in the contexts of education institutions, and; what does policy and research on policy mean for teachers and students. The course will use case studies to explore these themes, drawing on research in the fields of:
The case studies will have both Swedish and international comparative elements.
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Skills and Abilities
Values and attitudes
General qualifications for university studies and a minimum of 60 ECTS credits of studies at university level.
The course has mandatory parts that demands physical presence at campus, see further in the course schedule and study guide. The course will be delivered by a combination of lectures, seminars, guided individual work and student presentations.
Physical presence in mandatory parts is demanded for passed result on the course if not otherwise written in current schedule and study guide.
There will be two forms of assessment in the course:
To pass the course it is required that all compulsory parts are passed. The course results are defined by the examiner overall assessment of the students learning outcomes. Possible grades are Passed with distinction, Passed, or Failed.
The course work is examined at the ordinary examination or re-examined at a later occasion during the same semester. An opportunity to re-examine the course work is normally given in the following semester provided the student has requested it. After that a student with a fail is advised to participate in the next ordinary examination.
A student has the right to change examiner for a course based on a written request to the head of department after two fails on the same course or a part of the course.
Transfer of credits
Students have the right to apply for transfer of credits from earlier higher education or occupational experience. For more information, see the Higher Education Ordinance and: http://www.student.umu.se/english/getting-your-degree/transfer-of-credits/
A negative decision about transfer of credits is possible to appeal to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan, http://www.onh.se/in-english.
A negative decision shall be motivated in writing.
For more information, take contact with Student Services.
Cannot be studied in combination with 2PE142 Education Policy and Practice in International Perspectives, 7.5 Credits or 6PE263 Education Policy in National and International Context, 7.5 Credits.
Re-examinations based on the same curriculum are guaranteed within the two years of the first registration on the course.
Managing inclusion in competitive school systems: The cases of Sweden and England
Alexiadou N, Erixon Arreman I, Dovemark M, Ho AS, Lundahl L, Lundström U
Umeå universitet / Research in Comparative and International Education : 2016 :
Teacher Education for inclusive practice : Responding to policy
Alexiadou N, Essex J
Included in:
European journal of teacher education
London : Taylor & Francis : 2000- : 39 : pages 5-19 :
Allan Julie
The inclusion challenge
Included in:
Bildning för alla!
Kristianstad : Kristianstad University Press : 2012 : 247 s. : pages 109-120 :
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Still social and democratic? : Inclusive education policies in the Nordic welfare states
Arnesen A-L, Lundahl L
Included in:
Scandinavian journal of educational research
London : Taylor & Francis : 2000- : 50 : pages 285-300 :
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How schools do policy : policy enactments in secondary schools
Ball Stephen J., Maguire Meg, Braun Annette, Hoskins Kate, Perryman Jane
London [u.a.] : Routledge : 2012 : 173 s. :
ISBN: 9780415676267
Search the University Library catalogue
Education around the world : a comparative introduction
Brock Colin, Alexiadou Nafsika
London : Bloomsbury : 2013 : 205 p. :
ISBN: 9781441105011
Search the University Library catalogue
Bunar N
Choosing for Quality or Inequality : current perspectives on the implementation of school choice policy in Sweden
Included in:
Journal of education policy [Elektronisk resurs].
London : Taylor & Francis : 1999- : 25 : pages 1-18 :
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Bunar N
Multicultural urban schools in Sweden and their communities : social predicaments: the power of stigma, and relational dilemmas
Included in:
Urban education [Elektronisk resurs].
Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications : 1999- : 46 : pages 141-164 :
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Erixon Arreman I
The Process of Finding a Shape : stabilising new research structures in Swedish teacher education
Included in:
European educational research journal
Wallingford : Triangle Journals : 2002- : 7 : pages 157-175 :
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Erixon Arreman I
Student Perceptions of New Differentiation Policies in Swedish Post-16 Education
Included in:
European educational research journal
Wallingford : Triangle Journals : 2002- : 13 : pages 616-631 :
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Labaree D.F
Public Goods, Private Goods : The American Struggle over Eduational Goals
Included in:
American educational research journal
Beverly Hills : Sage : 2000- : 34 : pages 39-81 :
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New forms of European Union governance in the education sector? : A preliminary analysis of the Open Method of Coordination
Lange B, Alexiadou N
Included in:
European educational research journal
Wallingford : Triangle Journals : 2002- : 6 : pages 321-335 :
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Lindbom A
School Choice in Sweden : Effects on Student Performance, School Costs, and Segregation
Included in:
Scandinavian journal of educational research
London : Taylor & Francis : 2000- : 54 : pages 615-630 :
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Educational marketization the Swedish way
Lundahl Lisbeth, Erixon Arreman Inger, Holm Ann-Sofie, Lundström Ulf
Included in:
Education inquiry
Umeå : Umeå School of Education, Umeå University : 2010- : 4 : pages 497-517 :
Setting Things Right? : Swedish Upper Secondary School Reform in a 40-year Perspective
Lundahl L, Erixon Arreman I, Lundström U, Rönnberg L
Included in:
European journal of education
Oxford : Blackwell : 1999- : 45 : pages 46-59 :
Manzon M
Comparing places
Included in:
Comparative Education Research
Cham : Springer International Publishing : 2014. : XVI, 453 p. : pages 97-137 :
Globalizing education policy
Rizvi Fazal, Lingard Bob
London : Routledge : 2010 : 228 s. :
ISBN: 0415416256
Search the University Library catalogue
Enacting inclusion : a framework for interrogating inclusive practice
Florian L, Spratt J
Included in:
European journal of special needs education
Chichester : Wiley : 1986- : 28 : pages 119-135 :
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Schwarz Anneli
The significance of place and pedagogy in an urban multicultural school in Sweden
Included in:
Education inquiry
Umeå : Umeå School of Education, Umeå University : 2010- : 5 : pages 247-264 :
Does initial teacher education make a difference? : The impact of teacher preparation on student teachers attitudes towards educational inclusion
Sosu M.E, Mtika P, Colucci-Gray L
Included in:
Abingdon : Carfax : 1996- : 36 : pages 389-405 :
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Additional articles will be included closer to the start of the course.
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