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The Professional Teacher I: Child and Youth Development, Special Education, Social Relationships and Communication, 7.5 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2021-06-09

Swedish name: Den professionella läraren I: Barns och ungas utveckling, specialpedagogik, sociala relationer och kommunikation (UK)

This syllabus is valid: 2015-08-31 and until further notice

Course code: 6PE152

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: No main field: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Applied Educational Science

Established by: Head of Department of Applied Educational Science, 2014-05-27

Revised by: Head of Department of Applied Educational Science, 2015-08-26


Valid from: 2015 week 36

Aspelin Jonas
Sociala relationer och pedagogiskt ansvar
1. uppl. : Malmö : Gleerup : 2010 : 168 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-40-66888-2
Search the University Library catalogue

Perspectives of a school for all
Brodin Jane, Lindstrand Peg
Included in:
International journal of inclusive education.
London : Taylor & Francis : 1997- : v. : 11 : pages 133-145 :

Konflikthantering i professionellt lärarskap
Friberg Birgitta, Hakvoort Ilse
Malmö : Gleerups : 2011 : 217 s. :
ISBN: 91-40-67220-4 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Professionell vägledning : med samtal som redskap
Hägg Kerstin, Kuoppa Svea Maria
2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2007 : 141, [3] s. :
ISBN: 978-91-44-01537-8
Search the University Library catalogue

Elevens värld : introduktion till pedagogisk psykologi
Imsen Gunn, Retzlaff Joachim
4., rev. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2006 : 644 s. :
ISBN: 91-44-00271-8
Search the University Library catalogue

Specialpedagogik och funktionshinder
Jakobsson Inga-Lill, Nilsson Inger
Stockholm : Natur & kultur : 2011 : 334 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-27-12020-4 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Moving forward in inclusive education research
Ozlem Erten, Savage Robert Samuel
Included in:
International journal of inclusive education.
London : Taylor & Francis : 1997- : v. : 16 : pages 221-233 :

Persson Bengt
Elevers olikheter och specialpedagogisk kunskap
3., omarb. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber : 2013 : 180 s. :
ISBN: 9789147114139
Search the University Library catalogue

Thornberg Robert
Det sociala livet i skolan : socialpsykologi för lärare
1. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber : 2006 : 302 s. :
ISBN: 91-47-05348-8
Search the University Library catalogue

Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011
Stockholm : Skolverket : 2011 : 279 s. :
Fritt tillgängligt via Skolverkets webbplats
ISBN: 978-91-38-32541-4
Search the University Library catalogue

Läroplan för gymnasiet
LGY 11 :
http://www.skolverket.se/publikationer?id=2705 (Curriculum for the upper secondary school. http://www.skolverket.se/publikationer?id=2975)

Skollag 2010:800
Sveriges Riksdag :
http://www.riksdagen.se/sv/Dokument- Lagar/Lagar/Svenskforfattningssamling/Skollag-2010800_sfs-2010-800/?bet=2010:800

The United Nations Convention on the Rights on the Child
FN:s barnkonvention :