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Physical Education and Health III, 30 Credits

The course is discontinued

Swedish name: Idrott och hälsa III

This syllabus is valid: 2017-11-27 and until further notice

Course code: 6ID303

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Education

Revised by: Head of Department of Education, 2017-11-20


Valid from: 2017 week 48

ABC of behavior change : a guide to successful disease prevention and health promotion
Kerr Jacqueline, Weitkunat Rolf, Moretti Manuel
Edinburgh : Elsevier Churchill Livingstone : 2005 : xvii, 345 s. :
ISBN: 0-443-07428-3 (hft.) : £19.99
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Unequal, unfair, ineffective and inefficient. Gender inequality in health: Why it exists and how we can change it
Gita Sen, Östlin Piroska, Asha George
Final report to the WHO Commission on social determinants of health. Women and Gender Equity Knowledge Network. September 2007 :

Shier Harry
Pathways to Participation: openings, Opportunities and obligations. A new model for enhancing children´s participation in Decision- making in line with Article 12.1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Children & Society 15:107-117. 2001. :

Vallgårda Signhild
Social inequality in health: Dichotomy or gradient? A comparative study of problematizations in national public health programmes
Health Policy, 85, 71-82., 2008 :

Being Fit and Looking Healthy: Young Women’s and Men’s Constructions of Health and Fitness
Wright Jan, O’Flynn Gabrielle, Macdonald Doune
Sex Roles, 54(9-10), pp. 707-716. : 2006 :

Annerstedt Claes
Physical Education in Scandinavia with a Focus on Sweden: A Comparative Perspective
Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 13(4), pp. 303-318 : 2008 :

International comparison of physical education : concepts, problems, prospects
Pühse Uwe, Gerber Markus
Oxford : Meyer & Meyer sport : 2005 : 719 s. :
ISBN: 1-84126-161-0
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Physical Education in Scandinavia: An Overview and Some Educational Challenges
Redelius Karin, Larsson Håkan
Sport in Society, 13(4), pp. 691-703 : 2010 :

Shier Harry
Pathways to Participation: openings, Opportunities and obligations. A new model for enhancing children´s participation in Decision- making in line with Article 12.1 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Children & Society 15:107-117. 2001. :

Vallgårda Signhild
Social inequality in health: Dichotomy or gradient? A comparative study of problematizations in national public health programmes
Health Policy, 85, 71-82., 2008 :

Being Fit and Looking Healthy: Young Women’s and Men’s Constructions of Health and Fitness
Wright Jan, O’Flynn Gabrielle, Macdonald Doune
Sex Roles, 54(9-10), pp. 707-716. : 2006 :

Idrottsundervisning : ämnet idrott och hälsas didaktik
Annerstedt Claes, Peitersen Birger, Rønholt Helle
Göteborg : Multicare : 2001 : 339 s. :
ISBN: 91-971398-8-2 ; 479:00
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Backman Jarl
Rapporter och uppsatser
2., uppdaterade [och utök.]. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2008 : 223 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-44-04826-0
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Bedömningsstöd i idrott och hälsa. Gymnasieskolan
Skolverket (http://www.skolverket.se/bedomning/nationella-prov-bedomningsstod/gymnasial-utbildning/bedomningsstod/idrott-och-halsa) :

Björnsson Mats
Kön och skolframgång : tolkningar och perspektiv
Stockholm : Myndigheten för skolutveckling : 2005 : 80 s. :

Friluftslivets pedagogik : för kunskap, känsla och livskvalitet
Brügge Britta, Glantz Matz, Sandell Klas
3. uppl. : Stockholm : Liber : 2007 : [2], 283, [1] s. :
ISBN: 978-91-47-05288-2
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Ejlertsson G.
Enkäten i praktiken : En handbok i enkätmetodik
Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2005 :
ISBN: 91-44-03164-5
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Engström Lars-Magnus
Who is physically active? Cultural capital and sports participation from adolescence to middle age - a 38-year follow-up study
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 13(4), pp. 319-343. : 2008 :

Kirk David
Physical education, youth sport and lifelong participation: the importance of early learning experiences
European Physical Education Review, 11 (3), pp 239-255. : 2005 :

"Jag känner inte för att bli en ... kille": Om heteronormativitet i ämnet idrott och hälsa
Larsson Håkan, Redelius Karin, Fagrell Birgitta
Utbildning & Demokrati, 16(2), pp. 113-138. : 2007 :

Mini-Anne, utbildningspaket i hjärt-lungräddning
Stiftelsen för hjärt- och lungrädding :

Quennerstedt Mikael
Hälsa eller inte hälsa det är frågan
Included in:
Utbildning och demokrati
Uppsala : Pedagogiska institutionen : 1992- : 16 : pages 37-56 :

Symbolic capital in physical education and health: to be, to do or to know? That is the gendered question
Redelius Karin, Fagrell Birgitta, Larsson Håkan
Sport, Education and Society, 14(2), pp. 245-260. : 2009 :

Stuij Mijam
Habitus and social class: a case study on socialisation into sports and exercise.
Sport, Education and Society. Epub ahead of print 28 August 2013. doi: 10.1080/13573322.2013.827568. : 2013 :

Tholin Jörgen
Att kunna klara sig i ökänd natur : en studie av betyg och betygskriterier - historiska betingelser och implementering av ett nytt system
Borås : Högskolan i Borås : 2006 : 211, [15] s. :
http://hdl.handle.net/2320/1532z Högskolan i Borås: Item 2320/1532
ISBN: 91-628-6928-0
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Wahlin Karl
Tillämpad statistik : en grundkurs
1. uppl. : Stockholm : Bonnier utbildning : 2011 : 422 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-523-0718-2
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Being Fit and Looking Healthy: Young Women’s and Men’s Constructions of Health and Fitness
Wright Jan, O’Flynn Gabrielle, Macdonald Doune
Sex Roles, 54(9-10), pp. 707-716. : 2006 :