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Leadership in outdoor education, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Ledarskap i utomhusundervisning

This syllabus is valid: 2022-06-20 and until further notice

Course code: 6ID025

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: First cycle

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Education

Established by: Head of Department of Education, 2022-06-13

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements

Examination modes

The course is examined through the following examinations:
* Two individual oral seminars (Fail/Pass)
* Two obligatory excursions (Fail/Pass)
* One individual written assignment (Fail/Pass/Pass with distinction)

All compulsory assignments must have received the grade Pass in order to get the course grade Pass. In order to have the course grade Pass with distinction all assignments must have received the grade pass and the individual written assignment have been graded with Pass with distinction.
In cases where tests or compulsory teaching elements cannot be repeated in accordance with current rules for re-tests and re-practice, it can instead be replaced by another task. The scope and content of such information shall be in reasonable proportion to the missed mandatory element 

For each examining part of the course is a regular examination given with a second reexamination within two months after the regular examination. For examinations performed in May and June is the first reexamination offered within three months of the regular examination. In addition to this is a third reexamination given within a year after the end of the course. Examination based on the same course plan as the regular examination is guaranteed within two years after the earlier course plan has ceased to be valid or the course is no longer given (see rules for grades and examination on basic and advanced level, Dnr: FS 1.1.2-553-14). A student who has failed two tests for a course or a part of a course is entitled to have another examiner appointed after a written request to the head of department.

Deviations from the form of examination in the course plan can be made for a student who has pedagogical support due to disabilities. Individual adjustment of the examination form shall be considered based on the student's needs. The examination form is adjusted within the framework of the expected learning outcomes of the course plan. After a request from the student shall the course coordinator, in consultation with the examiner, quickly decide on the adjusted form of examination. The decision is then to be reported to the student.  

Transfer of credits
In order to transfer credits to a corresponding course at Umeå University, students have the right to submit previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in the profession for evaluation. Application for transfer of credits is submitted to the Student Centre / Examinations. More information on transfer of credits is available on Umeå University's student website, www.student.umu.se, and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). A refusal for transfer of credits may be appealed against (Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 12) to the University Appeals Board. This applies whether the entire application or part of the application for transfer of credits is refused.

Other regulations

Participation in the course can entail costs as the implementation takes place outside the campus area and can entail overnight stays. Participants are expected to possess appropriate equipment for outdoor activities.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.