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Creative Processes in Education, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Estetiska lärprocesser

This syllabus is valid: 2007-09-03 and until further notice

Course code: 6ES019

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Aesthetics: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Creative Studies (Teacher Education)


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the concepts, theories and practices of Creative Processes in teaching and learning. Another aim is to study and practise Critical Practinioner Inquiry (CPI) in projects connected to individual student’s professional practice. Studies will be done in different social and cultural settings with a special focus on communicative and participatory ideas in teaching and learning.

Expected learning outcomes

In order to pass the course, the student should: - Present analysis of different approaches of organizing aesthetic education in order to strengthen the pupils’ learning and self esteem - Discuss conditions for process related teaching and learning, how and why certain values, knowledge and skills arise and how they are maintained. - Discuss the phenomena of goal oriented syllabuses and how to create a plan for assessing the result of creative activities. - Fullfill a small CPI-project and produce a written report.

Required Knowledge

Requirement for admittance to the course: BA exam or equivalent corresponding to minimum of three years of study equal to 120 Swedish point or 180 ECTS and minimum three years of working experience as a teacher. The course is given in English. The student must have language proficency enough to read, write and discuss academic matters.

Form of instruction

The course contains lectures, seminars, litterature studies and project work according to the idea of Critical Practitioners Inquiry (CPI). The course is organized as computer supported (ICT) distance education. In the end of the course every student present their CPI-project and act as an opponent of another project.

Examination modes

The student’s knowledge is examined in written text or/and orally, individually or in smaller group. Course assignments, comments to other students and discussions of texts are examined, as well as active participation in the ICT Conference. Students who have failed can ask for another examination possibility within two years. Student who have failed twice are entitled to ask for another examiner at the Faculty Board of Education. Three levels of grades can be used: Pass with distinction, Pass or Fail. To recieve the grade Pass with distinction, the following is required: The student should show a clear understanding and proficiency of the scientific way of producing own text and discuss scientifically, as well as being able to use scientific theories in his/her reasoning. The written report of the CPI project has to be well balanced with a correct documentation and show a good knowledge of scientific methods, and contain an independently made analysis. Validation of earlier recognized parts of the course can be done by the examiner. Validation of the whole course can be done by the Faculty Board of Education. www.umu.se/blankett/SA

Other regulations

The student will need access to an Internet connected computer, to be able to submit assignments and to be able to communicate with teachers and fellow studetns.. Windows och Mac OS will be used.


Valid from: 2007 week 36

Technology education in new perspectives : research, assessment and curriculum development : festschrift for Witold Rogala
Rogala Witold, Lindström Lars
Stockholm : Stockholm Institute of Education Press (HLS förlag) : 2005 : 210 s. :
ISBN: 91-7656-591-2
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