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Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), 7.5 Credits

The course is discontinued

Swedish name: Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning

This syllabus is valid: 2007-09-03 and until further notice

Course code: 5MH011

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Basic level

Main Field of Study and progress level: Environmental Health: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: VG Pass with distinction, G Pass, U Fail

Responsible department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science


Valid from: 2008 week 40

MKB : introduktion till miljökonsekvensbeskrivning
hedlund anders, Kjellander Cecilia
1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2007 : 197 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-44-04618-1
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Sundkvist Erik
MKB- övningar och exempel (kompendium)