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Industrial Design Introduction, Implement, 15 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2021-09-08

Swedish name: Introduktionskurs i industridesign, GENOMFÖRA

This syllabus is valid: 2011-09-12 and until further notice

Course code: 5ID122

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Industrial Design: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Umeå Institute of Design (UID)

Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2021-09-08


The course provides a deeper understanding of methods and processes applied in industrial design, with a special focus on ergonomic design, user studies and form exploration. The sub-course includes applied studies in project form, in which the main focus is on methods for analysis, problem solving and evaluation in relation to user focus, design for all, ergonomics and branding in the product development process. Visualisation skills focused in the course include sketching and computer aided digital modelling, and physical 3D modelling (sketch models and presentation models). The course is structured in four sub-courses: Sub-course 1. Form exploration, 1,5 credits. The goal of the sub-course is to promote an exploratory and investigative approach to form, introducing the basics in clay modelling. An aim is that the student, through exercises in two- and three dimensional visualisation, develop the ability to work with the transition from sketch to 3D model. A focus of the sub-course is relating semantics and formal expressions to emotion, qualities and the perception of an object’s message. The course also aims to introduce specific concepts and basic theories of form and semantics. Examination through active participation and submission of required 2D- and 3D deliverables. Sub-course 2. Ergonomic design, 6 credits. The sub-course combines the basics of ergonomics and brand management with project studies in the design process. Focus of the project is ergonomic design, especially ergonomics of the hand. Introduction of ergonomic perspectives on design, prototyping techniques, ergonomic user studies and tests using function models. The student shall be able to apply ergonomic theory and practice in the design process as a whole. Equally important in the project is brand management, and relating brand values to form and expression in process as well as in the final concept, in 3D and 2D visualisations. Examination through active participation in education and submission of required deliverables, through carrying out a design project focused on ergonomics and brand management and presenting this orally and visually in both 2D and 3D. Sub-course 3. Visualisation techniques, 3 credits. Manual and digitally aided sketching techniques in relation to ideation, presentation and form exploration. The aim of the sub-course is that the student continue working sketching as a tool for ideation and communication, in order to start developing a personal style and own mode of working with sketching as a tool in the design process. Exercises in digital 3D modelling are connected to a previous project. Examination of part one (1,5 credits) through participation in education and submission of required 2D visual deliverables. Examination of part two (1,5 credits) through submission of required assignments in digital modelling and applied studies in relation to a previous project. Sub-course 4. History of industrial design, 1,5 credits The sub-course gives an overview of the history of industrial design, starting in the 1850s and with focus on social context, ideas and styles in western Europe and USA. Special attention is given to the roots of the industrial design profession, in relation to ideals and expectations related to it. The examination consists in seminar discussions and the submission of a written essay. Sub-course 5. Portfolio, 3 credits The aim of the sub-course is that the student produces a portfolio communicating the skills, strengths and capabilities of the student in visual, textual and graphic form. The portfolio shall demonstrate the student’s design process and results of project work, in relation to the social and professional context of design portfolios. Examination through active participation in education and the submission and presentation of a portfolio.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student shall be able to: -redogöra för grunderna i värumärkeshantering i designprocessen och uppvisa färdigheter i att använda olika tekniker för att undersöka, analysera och implementera varumärkesvärden i produkutvecklingsprocessen. - incorporate ergonomic perspectives in the design process, and apply different methods for analysis, problem solving and evaluation in the practical design process in order to create concepts and/or prototypes of physical products, relating these to ergonomic considerations as well as sustainability and semantics in the form development process. - account for the basics of brand management in the design process, and demonstrate abilities to use different techniques to investigate, analyse and implement brand values in the product development process. - account for the main styles and traditions in industrial design history, and reflect on the historical roles and ideals connected to the industrial design profession in relation to the student’s own experience of design orally and in writing. - translate 2D-sketches into 3D models and reflect upon form related and modelling technique related issues in this transition. - visualise and investigate form and concept development using manual sketching, sketch models, function models, work with digital tools to produce simple renderings and use computer aided visualisation tools for simple digital modelling. - demonstrate basic skills in communicating the design process and final result of a project in a portfolio, while also highlighting the own work methods, strengths and skills in the design process. - plan and manage a project within set time limits, while demonstrating basic skills in setting up, following and revising an individual project plan. - produce a graphically consistant and logically structured visual project presentation in and present this orally in English in an argumentatively convincing way.

Required Knowledge

Univ: For admission to the course, students must previously have conducted a minimum of two years of full time university studies (120 ECTS) or the equivalent. Students have to present specified home assignments.
Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B (IELTS (Academic) with a minimum overall score of 6.5 and no individual score below 5.5. TOEFL PBT (Paper-based Test) with a minimum score of 575 and a minimum TWE score of 4.5). TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) with a minimum score of 90 and a minimum score of 20 on the Writing Section).
You must also have passed the Introductory Course in Industrial Design, BASIC (5ID018/5ID121, 15 credits). The selection of applicants is based on the home assignments with special regard to innovative and creative skills and personal motivation and maturity.

Form of instruction

Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, tutoring, practical assignments, group and project work as well as independent work. Students work both individually and in groups with assignments and projects. Education is carried out in English.

Examination modes

Examination is carried out in the form of presentations – oral, visual and written – of work and submission of assignments: written and/or visual (2D and 3D). After completing the course, one of the grades Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG) is awarded the student. Students receive a grade of either Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U) for each assignment and sub-course as for full course. In order to obtain credit for the course, all sub-courses and assignments must be completed with a minimum grade of Pass, and the project assignment which includes applications of skills and knowledge from all sub-courses must also be completed with a minimum grade of Pass. For the grade Pass, the student must be also present at all mandatory teacher and tutor led education. For the grade Pass with distinction (VG) on the whole course, the student must pass all the individual course elements and obtain Pass with distinction on Sub-course 2: Ergonomic design and Pass with distinction on one additional sub-course. For students who have not obtained the grade Pass, other examination sessions will be arranged. A student who for two consecutive examinations for the same course or sub-course has not been passed, has the right to have another examiner appointed, if there are no special reasons against this (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 6, 22 §). The request for a new examiner shall be made in writing to the Department board of the Umeå Institute of Design. ACADEMIC CREDIT TRANSFER Equivalency credits for this course can only be given if it can be shown through transcripts and course plans that a similar course has been passed, and after the course responsible and director of single subject courses have evaluated and approved the students’ individual level of skills and knowledge.


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