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Industrial Design Introduction, Create, 15 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2021-09-08

Swedish name: Introduktionskurs i industridesign, Skapa

This syllabus is valid: 2011-01-10 and until further notice

Course code: 5ID112

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Industrial Design: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Umeå Institute of Design (UID)

Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2021-09-08


The course includes work with form, styling and visualisation in reference to transportation design, including modelling techniques, integrating this in project work. Students also work in project form with the design process in interaction design and the development of non-physical products, in relation to basic cognitive ergonomics, prototyping and visualisation through different 2D- and 3D techniques. A basic introduction to working systematically with colour in design is given, and an elective part of the course gives the student an opportunity to choose to develop specific design skills or areas. The course is structured in four sub-courses: Sub-course 1. Prototyping the future, 1,5 credits The goal of the sub-course is to give a starting point for the student to reflect over how knowledge and skills trained during the course can contribute to the own professional development. A special focus is given to how skills and abilities can be trained in relation to different strategies and methods in preparation to future societal and professional development and change. The student will reflect over the own strengths and weaknesses in the own professional “tool box” in relation to how she/he can work with competence development in a longer perspective. The course consists of workshops and exercises, in the areas of design skills, design thinking and artistic development, that the student chooses between. Examination through active participation in workshop, submission of deliverables and through a written assignment. Sub-course 2. Colour studies, 1,5 credits The purpose of the sub-course is to increase the knowledge of the importance of the practical use of colour as a tool within industrial design, focusing both theoretical and practical colour studies and introducing colour systems. The sub-course focuses colour as a visual phenomenon, and colour communication through the whole design process, from idea to final product. Examination through, active participation in education, submission of required assignments, and the oral and visual presentation of a small colour project. Sub-course 3. Interaction design, 6 credits. An introduction to the phases of the design process in interaction design and the development of non-physical products. Interaction methods for observation, evaluation, and perspectives on semantics are introduced, as are methods for lo-fi and hi-fi prototyping. Applied studies in project work. Examination through participation in education and submission of required assignments (The design process in interaction design, 1,5 credits) and the visual and oral presentation and written/visual documentation of the design process of an interaction design project (4,5 credits). Sub-course 4. Form and visualisation, 6 credits. The sub-course introduces methods of working with form and visualisation in transportation design through a project with the main focus on form work, styling, and visualisation techniques. The students shall be able to work with expressing values and/or brands through both 2- and 3-dimensional form work, and present these in relation to basic concepts in product semantics. Examination through submission of a physical model, an oral presentation and written and visual documentation of the project process.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student shall be able to: - apply basic product semantic theories to analyse physical and non-physical products and relate these to form, colour, brand and social values, and the field of cognitive ergonomics. - account for the concept of styling in transportation design, and work on 2- and 3-dimensional form development in relation to brand and /or social values in a transportation design project. - demonstrate elementary skills in the methods used in the interaction design process and work in groups, conducting a project assignment focused on design of physical and non-physical products. - orally and in writing reflect over which areas of knowledge and skills training are relevant for the individual development in relation to the future or present profession. - work in teams and individually in planning and conducting a design project, and present the results, process and methods used both individually and in a group context.

Required Knowledge

Univ: For admission to the course, students must previously have conducted a minimum of two years of full time university studies (120 ECTS) or the equivalent, have proven sufficient knowledge of the English language, and presented specified home assignments. In addition to this, students must also have received a minimum grade of Pass (G) on the courses Introduction to Industrial Design, Basic, 15 ECTS (5ID027) and Introduction to Industrial Design, Implement , 15 ECTS (5ID093) or the equivalent.

Form of instruction

Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, tutoring, practical assignments, group and project work. Students work both individually and in groups with assignments and projects. Education is carried out in English.

Examination modes

Examination is carried out in the form of presentations – oral, visual and written – of work and submission of assignments: written and/or visual (2D and 3D), and by active participation in the teacher led education that is of assessment character. After completing the course, one of the grades Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG) is awarded the student. Students receive a grade of either Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U) for each assignment and sub-course as for full course. In order to obtain credit for the course, all sub-courses and assignments must be completed with a minimum grade of Pass, and the project assignments which includes applications of skills and knowledge from all sub-courses must also be completed with a minimum grade of Pass. For the grade Pass with distinction (VG) on the whole course, the student must pass all the individual course elements and obtain Pass with distinction on sub-courses 1: Form and visualisation 6 ECTS and 2, Interaction design 6 ECTS. For students who have not obtained the grade Pass, other examination sessions will be arranged. A student who for two consecutive examinations for the same course or sub-course has not been passed, has the right to have another examiner appointed, if there are no special reasons against this (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 6, 22 §). The request for a new examiner shall be made in writing to the Department board of the Umeå Institute of Design. Academic credit transfer Equivalency credits for this course can only be given if it can be shown through transcripts and course plans that a similar course has been passed, and after the course responsible and director of single


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