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Prototyping the future, 1.5 Credits

Swedish name: Forma framtiden

This syllabus is valid: 2011-01-03 and until further notice

Course code: 5ID110

Credit points: 1.5

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Industrial Design: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Umeå Institute of Design (UID)


The goal of the course is to give a starting point for the student to reflect over how knowledge and skills trained during the course can contribute to the own current or future professional development. A special attention is given to how skills and abilities can be trained in relation to different strategies and methods for the participant to prepare for future societal and professional development and change. The student will reflect over the own strengths and weaknesses in the own professional “tool box” in relation to how she/he can work with competence development in a longer perspective. The course consists of a number of elective workshops, from which the student chooses and participates in one, from a perspective of own competence development.

Expected learning outcomes

After completion of the course the students should be able to: - Account for the own needs of competence development in relation to the current or future profession - Reflect upon the own strengths and areas of development in skills and knowledge, in relation to future tendencies and areas of development within design education and design profession. - Orally and in writing reflect over which areas of knowledge and skills training are relevant for the individual development in relation to the future or present profession. - Argue for if and how the content of the course could be applied in a future design educational or professional context.

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements

Form of instruction

Within the course framework, a number of elective workshops are offered. Each workshop has a limited number of study places. When applying for the course, the student makes a prioritised list of the workshops he/she would prefer to participate in, and after a selection process the student is offered a place in one of these. Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, practical assignments, tutoring and individual as well as group work. Education is carried out in English.

Examination modes

Examination is conducted orally , visually and in writing, individually and in groups. During the course, examination of the course is done through exercises and mandatory assignments. The final examination consists of a written log book summary and a seminar. On the whole course, one of the grades of Pass or Fail is given. In order to Pass, the student must be present for the scheduled education, which is of an assessing character, and submit all exercises and tests with a result of Pass. The grade is set after a summarized assessment of all parts of the course, and is given when all parts of the course are executed. For students who have not obtained the grade Pass, other examination sessions will be arranged. A student who for two consecutive examinations for the same course or sub-course has not been passed, has the right to have another examiner appointed, if there are no special reasons against this (Higher Education Ordinance chapter 6, 22 §). The request for a new examiner shall be made in writing to the Department board of Umeå Institute of Design. Academic credit transfer Equivalency credits for this course cannot be given.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.