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Swedish name: Aktuell utveckling inom Elektronik och datorteknik
This syllabus is valid: 2017-01-09 and until further notice
Syllabus for courses starting after 2017-01-09
Syllabus for courses starting before 2017-01-08
Course code: 5EL214
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level: Electronics: First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass with merit, Pass, Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Applied Physics and Electronics
Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2014-06-23
Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2016-12-14
Skriva för att lära : skrivande i högre utbildningDysthe Olga, Hertzberg Frøydis, Hoel Torlaug Løkensgard2. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2011 : 223 s. : ISBN: 978-91-44-06916-6MandatorySearch the University Library catalogue
Seminarieboken : att skriva, presentera och opponeraBjörklund Maria, Paulsson Ulf2. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2012 : 147 s. : ISBN: 978-91-44-05985-3MandatorySearch the University Library catalogue