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Degree Project: Master of Science (one year) in Computing Science, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Examensarbete för magisterexamen i datavetenskap

This syllabus is valid: 2012-11-05 valid to 2023-12-31 (newer version of the syllabus exists)

Course code: 5DV138

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Computing Science: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (60 credits)

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Computing Science


During the course the student will develope her/his abilty to specify, plan, accomplish and present an individual project. The student should apply her/his knowledge from previous education in the project work and deepen her/his knowledge in at least one field of computing science (in-depth study). The in-depth study should provide some insight in research and development in computing science. The results must be presented both orally as well as in a written report.

Part 1. Individual projekt work (13 ECTS-credits)
The individual project work should be carried out within a research project at the University or within a development project in the IT-industry. The project work must consist of general problem solving techniques and lead to a deeper understanding of the subject. Moreover, the project must not consist of coding work only. The in-depth study must be related to current scientific trends.

Part 2. Presentation (2 ECTS-credits)
Apart from the previously mentioned written report, the Master's degree candidates have to present their work orally (in the form of a Thesis defence). Moreover, the student must act as an opponent in a fellow student's presentation, both for the written report and during the oral presentation. English will be the primary language.

Expected learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
After the course the student will:

  •  demonstrate an advanced knowledge in at least one data field of science,

Skills and abilities
After the course the student will:

  • demonstrate an ability to critically and independently identify and formulate
  • demonstrate an ability to plan and use appropriate methods, carry out advanced tasks within specified limits, 
  • demonstrate the ability to verbally and in writing, to present and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments behind them, in dialogue with such masters in the field and lay people 
  • communicate about the project in oral and written English 
  • demonstrate an ability to systematically integrate knowledge acquired in key quality courses during their studies and to seek, analyze and critically assess scientific literature that is relevant to the problem

Values ​​and attitudes
After the course the student will:

  • demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate own and others' work with regard to scientific, social and ethical aspects.

Required Knowledge

To be admitted you must have a Bachelor's Degree and courses at the advanced level corresponding to 30 ECTS-credits out of which at least 15hp must be in Computing Science or equivalent. Depending on the focus of the Degree Project some extra prerequisites might be needed. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper Secondary course English A. Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.

Form of instruction

Instruction consists of individual instruction. A supervisor within the department appointed for each student, with whom regular contact is maintained. The student will conserve the available tutoring resources and the student may not normally require tutorial support more than 6 months after the start of work. Another supervisor appointed by the client at the external examination work. In addition to tutoring the student independently identify, seek, evaluate and summarize information sources in order to provide a scientific background to the work done. The student will independently plan and carry out work in a timely manner and present it both orally and in writing. The student should also read up on another degree and opposition on this.

Examination modes


Part 1, independent work, assessed in terms of
a) planning, implementation and evaluation of the thesis work, and
b) scientific and engineering content and results.

Part 2, presentation, assessed in terms of
c) the written report
d) oral presentation and
e) planning and execution of opposition

På Moment 1 ges något av betygen Underkänd (U) eller Godkänd (G) och på Moment 2 ges något av betygen Underkänd (U), Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG). På kursen ges något av betygen Underkänd (U), Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG). För att bli godkänd på hela kursen krävs att samtliga bedömningsgrunder, dvs a)-e) ovan, och obligatoriska moment är godkända. Betyget på hela kursen utgör en sammanfattande bedömning av resultaten vid examinationens olika delar och sätts vid kursens slut. De studenter som inte blivit godkända när ett läsår passerat måste göra om kursens samtliga delar, dvs börja om med ett nytt ämne för examensarbetet.

A student who has failed two tests for a course or part of a class, are entitled to have another examiner appointed, unless there are special reasons against it (HF6 Chap. § 22). Requests for new examiner made ​​head of the Department of Computer Science.

Other regulations

Transfer of credits
This course may not be used towards a degree, in whole or in part, simultaneously with another course of similar content. If in doubt, consult the student counselors at the Department of Computing Science and / or program director of your program.

Transfer of credits is considered individually (see the University Code of Rules).


Valid from: 2012 week 48

The literature is chosen individually together with the examiner / supervisor.