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Global Change Science, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Global förändringsvetenskap

This syllabus is valid: 2025-02-10 and until further notice

Course code: 5BI279

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Biology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Earth Science/Physical Geography: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Environmental Science: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2024-02-29

Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2025-02-13


The course addresses key concepts and theory that underpin global change science and the transformations in the Earth system that are underway in the context of the Anthropocene. The course has two modules that run in parallel time:

Module 1: Theory 9 ECTS: An in-depth theory block focusing on key elements of global change. This will include addressing key topics that relate to environmental consequences of climate change, land use, pollution, and biodiversity change, and it will include perspectives grounded in ecology, earth science, and environmental science. 

Module 2: Project, 6 ECTS: Writing of a literature-based critical review article, and oral presentation of it, on a fast-moving or exciting topic in the general area of global change science.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course, for the grade of Pass, the student shall be able to:
Module 1, theory, 9 ECTS

ELO 1. Explain and understand the concepts of global change caused by human activity, and the multiple ways that global change is impacting on the Earth system.
ELO 2. Critically assess theories and concepts that underpin global change science and our understanding of the Anthropocene.
ELO 3. Independently identify relevant literature that deals with global change issues, and critically evaluate it.
ELO 4. Actively contribute relevant viewpoints in scientific discussions.

Module 2, project, 6 ECTS
ELO 5. Prepare a critical literature review and an oral presentation on a key fast-moving topic in global change science.

After completing the course, for the grade of Pass with distinction, the student shall be able to:

Module 1, theory, 9 ECTS
ELO 6. Demonstrate an advanced analytical ability in the critical assessment of theories and concepts that relate to global change science.

Module 2, project, 6 ECTS
ELO 7. Prepare a critical literature review and an oral presentation within the given time frame* on a key topic in global change science that reveals an advanced capacity for original thought and interpretation. 

*Note that late reviews delivered after the stated deadline are ineligible for a VG grade.

Required Knowledge

180 ECTS credits including 60 ECTS in Biology, Ecology, Earth Science, or Environmental Science or equivalent knowledge.
Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.

Form of instruction

The teaching is conducted in the form of formal theory-based lectures, group discussions of literature, and project work. Instruction is in English.

Examination modes

Examination takes place through a written examination for Module 1, and a written and oral presentation for Module 2. For both modules, as well as for the entire course, the grades Fail (U), Pass (G), or Pass with distinction (VG) are given. For the grade Passed on the whole course, all expected learning outcomes (ELOs) in both Module 1 and 2 for level G are required. For the grade Pass with distinction on the whole course, the student must pass VG for Modules 1 and 2. If passed, the exam cannot be re-examined for a higher grade. To pass the entire course, all exams and compulsory elements are required. The grade (G or VG) on the course is a weighting of the results from the different parts and examinations and is only given when all required elements are approved. A student who has passed two examinations for a course or part of a course without the approved result is entitled to have another examiner appointed unless special reasons speak against it (HF 6 chapter22§). The request for a new examiner is made to the Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science.

Examiners may decide to deviate from the modes of assessment in the course syllabus. Individual adaption of modes of assessment must give due consideration to the student's needs. The adaption of modes of assessment must remain within the framework of the intended learning outcomes in the course syllabus. Students who require an adapted examination must submit a request to the department holding the course no later than 10 days before the examination. The examiner decides on the adaption of the examination, after which the student will be notified.


Students have the right to have their previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in the profession tested whether it can be credited for the corresponding course at Umeå University. Credit application is submitted to the Student Centre / Examinations. For more information on credit transfer available on Umeå University's student web, www.student.umu.se, and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). A refusal of accreditation may be appealed against (Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 12) to the University Appeals Board. This applies to the whole as well as part of the application if accreditation is refused.

Other regulations

In the event that the course plan ceases to apply or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three exam opportunities (including regular examinations) according to the rules in the syllabus that the student was originally registered for, for a maximum of two years from the date of expiry of the previous course plan or the course ceased being offered.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.