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Master´s Degree Thesis in Biology, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Examensarbete i biologi avseende masterexamen

This syllabus is valid: 2023-01-02 valid to 2023-08-13 (newer version of the syllabus exists)

Course code: 5BI207

Credit points: 30

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Biology: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2017-06-27

Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2022-12-13


During the course the student performs and presents a scientific study on the subject by applying knowledge and skills acquired during their studies. This occurs in conditions similar to those in a vocational situation. The course also includes review and comment on a similar work.

The course is divided into the following sections:

Section 1. Project description according to instructions, 1 hp
Section 2. Execution, 29 hp

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course the student for the grade Pass should be able to:

1 Using their thematic and scientific knowledge and skills to solve problems within the subject area;
2 Apply a scientific approach,
3 Plan, conduct, write and orally present and defend a scientific study in the main field,
4 Independently choose an appropriate method / methods based on the current issue,
5 Describe and analyze key theories and results within the chosen subject
6 Perform a work whose extent corresponds to the course's extent
7 Critically review and comment on a master's work,

After completing the course the student for the grade Pass with Distinction should be able to:
1 Plan, execute and present a project in the time allotted
2 independently acquire new knowledge to solve the task
3 describe and analyze central theories and results in their chosen field of study
4 write and orally present a scientific study with logical and communicative accuracy
5 constructively discuss their own work
6 perform a constructive opposition on the other work

Required Knowledge

Univ: 180 ECTS credits including one of the courses Forest Ecology 5BI232 or Arctic ecosystems 5BI255, or these two courses Aquatic ecosystems 5BI180 and Aquatic Systems Ecology 5BI209. And one of the courses Evolutionary Biology 5BI203, Molecular ekology and evolution, 5BI244 or Ecological dynamics 5BI236. And Analysis of field data 5BI171. And a degree thesis at bachelor level, or equivalent.

Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6. Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.

Form of instruction

The thesis is carried out under supervision. The course structure is planned jointly by students, supervisors and course coordinator. The planning of the thesis must be approved by the course coordinator prior to the start. The thesis can be planned to be conducted in several sub-periods, but the total time should correspond to the time of a conventional course with the same number of credits. A supervisor for the thesis is normally appointed at an academic institution. For theses that are made outside the university will also be appointed a mentor / contact person in the workplace. The thesis is presented in a written report and presented and defended at a seminar. The student will also carry out a reveiw on a similar work. Student works individually.

Supervision is received during the period / periods of the approved work plan and to an extent according to departmental evaluation rules for theses.

Examination modes

Examination is caried out on the independent work as documented in a written report in accordance with the formalities relating to EMG's series theses. The examination also includes the report be defended at a seminar, and the reveiw on the other report. Section 1 is grade Fail (U) or Pass (G). Section 2 and the course as a whole is graded Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with distinction (VG). Students who fail the examination have the right to resit them to pass (HF Chap. 6 § 22), and the student who twice failed an examination, have the right to the head of department of Ecology and Environmental Science to request a different teacher be appointed to determine the grade. Those who pass the tests can not resit the higher grades. To pass the course requires that all examinations and compulsory modules are approved. The grade is an overall assessment of the results of examinations of different parts and given when all compulsory parts are approved.

Students have the right to have their previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in the profession tested whether it can be credited for the corresponding course at Umeå University. Application for credit is submitted to the Student Centre / Examinations. For more information on credit transfer available on Umeå University's student web, www.student.umu.se, and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). A refusal of accreditation may be appealed against (Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 12) to the University Appeals Board. This applies to the whole as well as part of the application if accreditation is refused.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.