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biodiversity and Biogeography, 7 Credits

The course is discontinued

Swedish name: Biologisk mångfald och biogeografi I

This syllabus is valid: 2007-07-02 and until further notice

Course code: 5BI029

Credit points: 7

Education level: Basic level

Main Field of Study and progress level: Biology: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: VG Pass with distinction, G Pass, U Fail

Responsible department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science


Valid from: 2007 week 27

Svensk flora. n [1], p Fanerogamer och ormbunksväxter
Krok Thorgny O. B. N., Almquist Sigfrid, Jonsell Lena, Jonsell Bengt
28., [omarb.] uppl. : Stockholm : Liber utbildning : 2001 : vi, 586 s. :
ISBN: 91-47-04992-8 (inb.)
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Signalarter : indikatorer på skyddsvärd skog : flora över kryptogamer
Nitare Johan, Hallingbäck Tomas
1. uppl. : Jönköping : Skogsstyr:s förl. : cop. 2000 : 384 s. :
ISBN: 91-88462-35-8 (korr.)
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