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Biodiversity, 15 Credits

The course is discontinued

Swedish name: Biologisk mångfald

This syllabus is valid: 2014-06-16 and until further notice

Course code: 5BI007

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Biology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2014-06-18


The focus is on species-rich groups of cryptogams and insects of special interest for conservation biology. The course gives training in species identification of Swedish fungi, lichens and mosses. Another part of the course focuses on insects including collecting, identification and evaluation of species lists. The theoretical part of the course deals with central issues for biodiversity-related research, e.g. systematic methods, taxonomy, nomenclature, phylogeny, and classification.

Required Knowledge

60 ECTS Biology


Valid from: 2009 week 35

Mossor : en fälthandbok
Hallingbäck Tomas, Holmåsen Ingmar
2., rev. och väsentligt utök. uppl. : Stockholm : Interpublishing : 1985 : 287, [1] s. :
ISBN: 91-86448-11-0 (inb.)
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Lavar : en fälthandbok
Moberg Roland, Holmåsen Ingmar, Moberg Roland, Montrevel-Wiking Paula
3., rev. uppl. : Stockholm : Interpublishing : 1990 : 240 s. :
ISBN: 91-86448-25-0 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Svampar : en fälthandbok
Ryman Svengunnar, Holmåsen Ingmar
3., rev. uppl. : Stockholm : Interpublishing : 1992 : 718 s. :
ISBN: 91-86448-31-5 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue