Swedish name: Examensarbete, grundnivå, Konstnärlig kandidatexamen i arkitektur
This syllabus is valid: 2018-01-15 valid to 2024-01-07 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
Syllabus for courses starting after 2024-01-08
Syllabus for courses starting before 2024-01-07
Course code: 5AR306
Credit points: 15
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Architecture: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bache...
Grading scale: Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Umeå School of Architecture
Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2017-12-06
The course consists of the identification and investigation of a substantial architectural project within a given framework. The project shall include a subject-related issue within the field of architecture and be carried out independently.
The student is required to plan, analyse and prepare the project based on prior investigations and analysis of the situation/s. The project shall be of such character that it can be discussed in spatial and architectural terms at different scales. The project includes a description of its theme, the investigations and analysis on which it is based, documentation of the architectural project, including the chosen methods and work processes, and critical reflection on its spatial, social and cultural consequences. The project should be solved within given time frames.
Upon sucessful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
The independent project runs over the course of ten weeks including presentations. The course consists of individual and group supervision as well as active participation in mandatory seminars. Each student is responsible for maintaining contact with the faculty during the project. The student must optimize the available supervisory resources. Project supervision is provided for a five months period after the course has begun. The student shall plan and execute the project independently within the specified time frame.
Mid-project Seminar
A preliminary architectural project based on the strategy, program and feedback from the previous phase is developed. Key architectural decisions on all scales are identified, developed and discussed. The overall spatial concept and its effect on the cultural context is described.
Final Presentation
The students develop the project independently and a completed architectural project is presented at the examination seminar. The student is expected to engage in a critical reflection on the initial research, the developed strategies, the spatial character and the cultural consequences. The development of key architectural decisions and strategies are discussed and evaluated.
The grading scheme is Pass (G) or Fail (U). The completed architectural project work, including methods and work process, shall be presented in a form appropriate to the work. Pesentation will be oral and shall include a description of the methods and work process. The project shall be communicated with the use of architectural tools of communication, including but not limited to, drawings and models.
The architectural project work will be presented and defended in seminar form. The architectural project is graded at the end of the course and the assessment includes all mandatory parts of the course. This means that a student who at the end of the course has not passed all mandatory parts will receive the grade fail, as the student has not shown a capability to finish the tasks within the given timeframe. The final assessment of the project work will be done in relation to “Assessment criteria for Bachelor exam in Architecture”.
Mandatory participation: Introduction seminar, at least five tutorials, in group or individually, mid-seminar and final presentation. If the work, at any of the mandatory seminars, is assessed as not possible to pass during the remaining time frame, it can be failed without having been presented at the final examination seminar. The examiner should take the final decision about this kind of fail.Only in certain cases can a student be allowed to be absent at the final mandatory examination seminar. Students who fail the course will be offered one re-examination within 3 months of the regular examination date. In all other cases the student is referred to the next course for completion of the course. Documentation and filing according to the rules and regulation of Umeå University is a part of the examination.
Mid-project Seminar
A preliminary architectural project, including methods and work process, is presented and discussed at a mandatory mid-seminar. Appropriate architectural tools for communication, such as drawings and models are used. During this phase, the project will be assessed primarily based on the overall spatial concept, the quality and relevance of the design proposal and the material produced.
Final Presentation
The architectural project is presented orally at a mandatory final seminar, through relevant communicative methods, including architectural tools for communication such as drawings and models. Students, tutors, examiner and guest critics participate in the seminar. The student presents and defends the architectural project including the project theme, relevant opportunities and limitations, methods and work process and receives feedback according to the assessment criteria.
Students who fail an examination may retake that examination. A student who has failed two consecutive examinations has the right to get another examiner, unless specific reasons arise (HF Ch. 6 § 22). Requests for another examiner are submitted in written form to the programme co-ordinator.
Complementary Assignment
A student that does not fully meet the intended learning outcomes for an examination, but is close to reach the level for a Pass grade, may, upon decision by the examiner, be given the opportunity to hand in a complementary assignment to fulfill the requirements for a Pass grade. The complementary assignment should be individually modified to the specific requirements that the student has failed to reach. The examiner decides the deadline for when the complementary assignment should be finished.
Academic Credit Transfer
Students have the right to request that previous studies, or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in a professional, work-related capacity, be validated and transferred into credits on an equivalent course or programme at Umeå University. Applications for credit transfer should be addressed to Student Services/Degree Evaluation Office. More information can be found at the Umeå University student web site (www.student.umu.se/english) and in Chapter 6 of the Higher Education Ordinance. Appeals may be made to the Higher Education Appeals Board (ÖNH) against a decision by the university not to approve an application for credit transfer (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 12), even in cases where only a part of the application has been rejected.
This course may not be used towards a degree, in whole or in part, simultaneously with another course of similar content. If in doubt, consult the study counselor at Umeå School of Architecture.
Reexaminations based on the same curriculum are guaranteed within two years after the first course registration.
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.