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Clinical application, 10.5 Credits

Swedish name: Klinisk tillämpning

This syllabus is valid: 2016-01-11 and until further notice

Course code: 3OT157

Credit points: 10.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Odontology: Second cycle, has second-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass, Fail

Responsible department: School of Dentistry

Established by: Programme council for the Odontological Programmes, 2015-12-17


The course is given for exchange students within the dentistry programme, during the 9th semester.
Practice in clinical dental care, treatment and judgment of the prognosis for adult patients, including acute treatment and dental audit.
Assessment of patient cases and when to refer to a specialist in endodontics.
Endodontic treatment in the clinic.
Radiographic diagnostics of pathology with focus on manifestations in the jaws and adjacent tissues.
Evaluation of intraoral and panoramic examinations
Auscultation at the oral and maxillofacial radiology specialist clinic
Quality assurance in radiology
Advanced dentoalveolar and craniofacial diagnostics.
Advanced assessment of treatment need for various malocclusions.
Methods used for prevention and interceptive treatment of malocclusions in the growing child and adolescent.
Diagnostics and treatment of sleep apnea.
Children’s normal physical and psychical development.
Diagnostics, treatment and prediction of oral health problems in the growing individual.
The clinical dental treatment of the growing individual.
Diagnostics and therapy planning at extensive tooth loss and collapsed dentitions.
Combined fixed and removable dental prosthetic treatment in theory and practice.
Implant supported treatment and maintenance of implant supported tooth reconstructions.
Prognosis, complications, evaluation and follow up of prosthetic treatment.
Dental materials and their biological effects.
Basic cardiology, lung medicine, haematology, and endocrinology and their clinical importance for the dental treatment.
Somatic and psychiatric diseases, their treatment and their importance for the clinical assessment and treatment decision of the odontological treatment of patients in different ages.

Expected learning outcomes

The following learning outcomes should be achieved and on completion of the course the student should have demonstrated:
Knowledge and understanding

  • knowledge regarding how to plan, treat and evaluate hers/his clinical work
  • advanced knowledge required to be able to independently diagnose and treat diseases of the dental pulp and the periradicular tissues
  • ability to perform endodontic treatment, assess the prognosis and also suggest a suitable restoration therapy
  • advanced knowledge in image interpretation for diagnosing intraoral and panoramic examinations
  • general knowledge of advanced methods used in oral and maxillofacial radiology
  • general knowledge of the most common orthodontic treatment methods and their effects
  • general knowledge in diagnostics and treatment of snoring and sleep apnea from an odontological perspective
  • advanced knowledge and understanding for the psychical and physical development of the child and the development of teeth and jaws
  • general knowledge regarding methods, compounds and materials used in pediatric dentistry
  • advanced knowledge regarding the possible functional consequences of tooth loss both in the short and long run
  • general knowledge regarding possibilities and methods to recreate and maintain the dentition both functionally and socially from the patients point of view using both tooth- and/or soft tissue supported or implant supported tooth reconstructions
  • consider the used materials possible biological effects
  • general knowledge regarding the risks for injury and effects in the oral tissues that might follow after prosthetic reconstruction and implant surgery and how these risks can be prevented
  • advanced knowledge regarding the relationship between the sick patients’ health status and its consequences for the dental treatment.

Skills and ability

  • ability to apply earlier acquired knowledge and attainments when examining patients and during diagnosing.
  • ability to use theoretical knowledge in the clinic and give patients adequate care and guidance based on the individual patients’ conditions and qualifications
  • a comprehensive view of the patient in the treatment planning and thereby take the patients' medical, social and economical conditions into account
  • ability to diagnose different acute conditions and to give adequate treatment
  • ability to plan, carry out and evaluate his/her clinical work
  • ability to perform endodontic treatment, assess the prognosis and also suggest a suitable restoration therapy
  • ability to judge when to refer patients to a specialist in endodontics
  • ability to perform and assess the quality of intraoral and panoramic radiographic examinations
  • ability to identify pathology and judge when to refer to a specialist for extended examination, a second opinion or over-read
  • ability to diagnose common variations in the dentoalveolar and craniofacial morphology
  • ability to assess and evaluate treatment need and general knowledge on the consequences of untreated malocclusions
  • ability to review and evaluate diseases and damage of teeth and ambient tissues and to be able to assess how these should be investigated, diagnosed, and treated
  • participation in the implementation of the clinical care taking, adjusted to the growing individuals’ special needs and conditions
  • ability to work in teams with all groups of personnel within the dental care
  • ability to plan and perform treatment with an overall view of the patient and thereby protect and respect the patients' needs and autonomy
  • ability to compile an analysing assessment at the end of all treatments and based on this make a prognosis for the patient
  • with the prognosis make a revision and maintenance plan for the period of the prognosis
  • adequate skills in the preparations of crowns and partial prostheses and master common impression and bite registration techniques for tooth supported as well as removable prosthodontics.
  • ability to apply and evaluate knowledge regarding somatic and psychiatric diseases and how the treatment of these diseases might affect the odontological treatment.

Judgment and approach

  • ability to team work and cooperate with patients and co-workers and occasionally with professionals in other health care areas
  • an empathic attitude and ability to communicate and establish a good contact with in all ages including pediatric patients, custodians, accompanying persons/relatives and co-workers
  • to assess when a radiographic examination is justified and optimize the examination by choosing a technique that is appropriate considering the formulated question, radiation hazard, radiation protection and possibility to diagnose
  • a comprehensive view of the patient in the treatment planning and be able to consider the patients medical, social and economical conditions.

Required Knowledge

The student must have completed courses that correspond to previous courses carried out during the 1st-8th semester within the dentistry programme.

Form of instruction

The student performs clinical dental practice under supervision. Compulsory accounts of patients and case discussions in the form of seminars are included. At absence from compulsory parts, the one responsible for the courses should be contacted who then decides how the missing part should be supplemented.

Examination modes

The students' knowledge and practical skills will be assessed by the supervisors during clinical practice.
To get the grade "Pass" the student must have attended the mandatory parts of the course and have passed the required clinical work. The grade concludes all assessments and is stated after the student has passed all parts of the course with “Pass”-results. A student who hasn't been able to attend during a compulsory element has the right to get an optional appointment.
After a consultation with the students' supervisor, the responsible examiner has the right to terminate the ongoing practice if the student shows deficient knowledge and approach and thereby constitutes a risk for the patient. The students practice is then cancelled and he/she receives the grade "Failed". When such a decision is made, the examiner has to offer a plan describing what the additional requirements are to gain the necessary knowledge to proceed with the clinical practice.
If the student has acquired the knowledge, attainment and approach that are required, the student has the right to start a new clinical practice period. During practice the student has the right to change examiner. A written request to change examiner has to be submitted to the Programme council for the Odontological Programmes (PRO).


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.