Acquired speech-, language- and swallowingdisorders 2, 9 Credits
Swedish name: Förvärvade tal- språk- och sväljstörningar 2
This syllabus is valid: 2018-01-15
and until further notice
Course code: 3LO067
Credit points: 9
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Speech and Language Pathology: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Speech Pathology and Therapy
Established by: Program Committee for Speech and Language Pathology, 2017-11-29
Valid from:
2018 week 3
Hartelius Lena Dysartri - bedömning och intervention : vid förvärvade neurologiska talstörningar hos vuxna 1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2015 : 246 s. : ISBN: 9789144110691 Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue
Svensson P Dysfagi: Utredning och behandling vid sväljsvårigheter. Lund: Studentlitteratur : 2010 : Mandatory
Artiklar eller annat skriftligt material kan tillkomma enligt anvisningar Logopedi : Mandatory
Dysphagia following stroke Daniels Stephanie K., Huckabee Maggie Lee. San Diego : Plural Publishing : 2008. : xv, 362 s. : ISBN: 978-1-59756-196-9 (alk. paper) Search the University Library catalogue
Motor speech disorders (Första upplagan) Darley F L, Aronson A E, Brown J R Philadelphia: Saunders : 1975 :
Duffy J R Motor speech disorders: substrates, differential diagnosis, and management. (Andra upplagan). St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier Mosby : 2006 :
Freed D Motor speech disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment. (Andra upplagan) Delmar : 2011 :
Alternativ och kompletterande kommunikation (AKK) i teori och praktik. Heister Trygg Boel, Andersson Ida (red.) 3., rev. uppl. : Vällingby : Hjälpmedelsinstitutet; Malmö: Södra regionens kommunikationscentrum (SÖK) : 2009 : 224 s. : ISBN: 978-91-85435-71-5 Search the University Library catalogue
Logopedi Hartelius L, Nettelbladt U, Hammarberg B 1. uppl. : Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 978-91-44-038865 : 2007 :
Yorkston Kathryn M. Management of motor speech disorders in children and adults 3. ed. : Austin, Tex. : Pro-Ed : cop. 2010 : xiii, 576 p. : ISBN: 978-1-4164-0434-7 (pbk.) Search the University Library catalogue
Management of speech and swallowing disorders in degenerative diseases Yorkston Kathryn M., Miller Robert M., Strand Edythe A. 2. ed. : Austin, Tex : Pro-Ed : 2004 : ix, 267 p. : ISBN: 0-89079-966-0 Search the University Library catalogue