Main Field of Study and progress level:
Public Health: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Epidemiology and Global Health
Revised by: Programme council for the International Master Programme in Public Health (PRPH), 2015-09-01
Reliable epidemiologic data are instrumental for health priorities setting and health policy making. High quality epidemiological studies and surveillance allow assessment and monitoring of patterns of illnesses, diseases, and their determinants in the population. The focus of this course is on the understanding of epidemiologic concepts and study designs, as well as obtaining skills in epidemiologic data analysis and interpretation. The course starts with an overview of basic epidemiologic concepts, including epidemiologic data sources and principles of disease causation. Measures for disease frequency and comparison of disease frequency, as well as effect measures will be discussed and applied in exercises. The concept of bias, confounding, effect measure modification, and random error are introduced. Steps in epidemiological research will be discussed thoroughly, and students will learn the different types of study designs and their applications. Students will learn epidemiologic data analysis methods, including identification of effect modification, identification and control of confounding, and analysis of matched dataset. The skills for critical appraisal of epidemiologic reports will be taught. There is practical training in the use of statistical software for planning, data-management and analysis of epidemiological study.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
discuss the key components of epidemiology
describe the key aspects of measuring and interpreting disease occurrence and effect measures
formulate epidemiologic research questions and design epidemiologic studies to address different research questions
discuss different methods for epidemiologic data collection, their strengths and limitations.
discuss different threats to valid and reliable epidemiologic data, including the concepts of bias, confounding, effect measure modification, and random error
utilize different statistical methods for epidemiologic data analyses
interpret, present, and communicate epidemiologic research results to different audiences
appraise epidemiologic research reports critically
Required Knowledge
For non-programme students applying as single-course students, the requirements are 120 ECTS, of which a minimum of 30 ECTS are within one of the following: health sciences, environmental health or social sciences.
English proficiency equivalent to English A/5 from Swedish Upper secondary education. (IELTS (Academic) with minimum score 5.5 and no individual score below 5.0. TOEFL (Paper based with minimum score 530 and minimum TWE 4). TOEFL (Internet based with minimum score 72 and minimum Written 17)). Basic entrance requirements for higher studies in Swedish language proficiency is also required if the course is taught in Swedish.
Form of instruction
Teaching on the course is concentrated to four weeks during the course period. Teaching is conducted through lectures, group exercises, seminars and computer sessions applying statistical software. Group exercises and computer sessions are compulsory. Teaching is given in English.
Examination modes
At the end of the course there is a written exam. All compulsory assignments should be submitted before a final grade can be issued. For students who have not received a passing grade at the first written exam on the course, a re-sit exam is arranged. A student who fails two examinations has the right to a change of examiner according to the Universitys set of rules. A request to change examiner should be sent to the Board of the Faculty of Medicine.
Other regulations
Start-of-study respite
A respite for the start of studies may be granted under special circumstances. Examples of such circumstances are illness, military service, pregnancy, care of children or other nursing responsibilities etc.
A negative decision about start-of-study respite may be appealed to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan.
Course roll call
Attendance is compulsory for the course roll call. A student may be relieved from this obligation only through a decision by the course coordinator and only under special circumstances. Non-attendance without a valid reason may lead to the seat being given to another applicant. The course coordinator will make a decision about this.
Academic credit transfers are always reviewed individually according to the Universitys set of rules and academic credit transfer regulations.
Valid from:
2015 week 37
Bhopal Raj S. Concepts of epidemiology: integrating the ideas, theories, principles and methods of epidemiology Oxford : Oxford University Press : 2008 : Mandatory