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Biostatistics, part 1, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Biostatistik, steg 1

This syllabus is valid: 2008-09-01 and until further notice

Course code: 3FH010

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Public Health: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Epidemiology and Global Health


The core of this course is the data generation process and the point of view is the research question. Based on that a hypothetical model is formulated and possible study designs discussed. Then the basic sampling methods are outlined and calculation of sample size is illustrated for the basic sample method simple random sampling. The next step is basic description of data in tables and diagrams and by computation of measures of central tendency, dispersion and association. The statistical test theory is introduced and illustrated by computation of confidence intervals and statistical tests based on parametric distributions.

Expected learning outcomes

After completion the course the student should be able: • to outline a hypothetical model for a research question • to summarise data in tables and diagrams • to select the proper measurement of central tendency, dispersion and association and perform the computations • to select the proper sampling method and estimate the sample size • to understand basic statistical test theory and compute confidence intervals and statistical test for parametric distributions • to discuss the interpretation of the computed basic confidence intervals and statistical tests

Required Knowledge

For non-programme students applying as single-course students, the requirements are 120 ECTS, of which S are within one of the following: health sciences, environmental health or social sciences. a minimum of 30 ECT. English proficiency equivalent to IELTS Academic Training – minimum score 5.0 with no individual score below (4.5) (Tests taken before January 2005 not admissible) or TOEFL – minimum score 500 on paper based test and not below 4.0 on the TWE, Alternatively 173 on computer based test with iBT 61 is also required. Language test scores are not required if you have completed a minimum of two years of studies at an accredited university or college with English as the medium of instruction or you have had one year of graduate studies and have written your thesis in English. For more information please see: http://www8.umu.se/phmed/epidemi/utbildning/mph-requirements.htm

Form of instruction

The course is concentrated to two weeks during the course period. Teaching is performed through lectures and group exercises as well as with supervision during computer sessions applying the epidemiological/statistical soft wares Epi Info and SPSS and the learning program Understanding biostatistics in the computer laboratory.

Examination modes

The examination consists of a written individual examination during which the students have full access to the course literature. The examination will be assessed using the following grades: fail, pass or pass with distinction. For students who have not received a passing grade at the regularly scheduled examination a re-sit examination can be arranged. The student has the right to change examiner after failing two examinations.

Other regulations

Start-of-study respite A respite for the start of studies may be granted under special circumstances. Examples of such circumstances are illness, military service, pregnancy, care of children or other nursing responsibilities etc. A negative decision about start-of-study respite may be appealed to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan. Course roll call Attendence is compulsory for the course roll call. A student may be relieved from this obligation only through a decision by the course coordinator and only under special circumstances. Non-attendence without a valid reason may lead to the seat being given to another applicant. A decision about this is made by the course coordinator.

Academic credit transfer: Academic credit transfers are always reviewed individually according to the university’s set of rules and academic credit transfer regulations


Valid from: 2009 week 37

Medical statistics : a commonsense approach
Campbell Michael J., Machin David
3. ed. : Chichester : Wiley : 1999 : 203 s. :
ISBN: 0-471-98721-2 (pbk)
Search the University Library catalogue

Altman Douglas G.
Practical statistics for medical research
London : Chapman and Hall : 1991 : xii, 611 s. :
ISBN: 0-412-38620-8 (hft.)
Search the University Library catalogue

Daniel Wayne W.
Biostatistics, a foundation for analysis in the health sciences
8th ed. : New York : Wiley : c2005 : xiii, 782. :
ISBN: 0-471-45654-3
Search the University Library catalogue