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Scientific Project within Biomedical Laboratory Science, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Vetenskapligt projekt inom biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap

This syllabus is valid: 2019-12-30 and until further notice

Course code: 3BL228

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Biomedical Laboratory Science: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements, contains degree project for Bache...

Grading scale: Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Biomedical Laboratory Science

Established by: Programme council for the undergraduate Biomedical Analysis Programme, 2019-12-12


The course includes critical review and opposition of a scientific manuscript and literature search. The course also consists of an individual experimental- or clinical study within the field of biomedical laboratory science. The research process encompasses planning and performance of an experimental- or clinical study, analysis, compilation and evaluation of the obtained results. The results and conclusions are presented as a written manuscript as well as in an oral presentation.

Expected learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
After having passed the course the student should:

  • understand why and how an opposition of a scientific paper is performed and to have conducted an opposition of a scientific paper

Skills and abilities
After having passed the course the student should:

  • search for relevant scientific papers in databases and present them orally,
  • independently plan and perform laboratory or clinical analysis,
  • analyze and interpret obtained results,
  • make a compilation of results and present these,
  • write a scientific manuscript according to given instructions,
  • make an oral presentation of scientific results

Assessment and approach
After having passed the course the student should:

  • be able to criticaly assess a bachelor thesis
  • be able to adopt supervision.

Required Knowledge

Admission to the course requires at least 90 Credits within the area of biomedical laboratory science or in another way have obtained equivalent knowledge.

Form of instruction

The student gets individual supervision at the laboratory where the research is performed. Furthermore, the student will attend lectures and seminars concerning scientific documentation and methodology.

Examination modes

Passing the course requires that the student pass the written- as well as the oral presentation of the performed study. A student who fails the practical part of course is offered one new opportunity to conduct a study. The student has a maximum of five opportunities to make changes to the manuscript in relation to the comments of the examiner, and two additional occasions for opposition or oral presentation. After two revisions of the manuscript by the examiner, the student can request a new examiner by the Program Council. The application should be sent to the Program Council of Biomedical Laboratory Science Program and is granted by the Program Council.

Other regulations

Students have the right to be tested if previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in professional activities can be credited for corresponding education at Umeå University. Application for credit transfer is sent to Studentcentrum/Examina. More information on credit transfer is available at Umeå University's student web, and in the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). A refusal to apply for credit can be appealed   (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 12) to the Higher Education Appeals Board. This applies to both if the whole-, or parts of the application for credit transfer are rejected.

During internship, based learning activities, requirements for a professional approach, including clothing and hygiene, are followed according to the receiving activities directive.

In the event the syllabus expires or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three examinations (including the regular examination opportunity) according to the regulations in the syllabus that the student was originally registered for during a period of maximum of two years from the time the previous syllabus expired.



The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.