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Master thesis in Biomedicine, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Examensarbete i biomedicin

This syllabus is valid: 2014-01-20 and until further notice

Course code: 3BK024

Credit points: 30

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Biomedical Sciences: Second cycle, contains degree project for Master of Arts/Master of Science (120 credits)

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics

Established by: Programme council for the Biomedicine Programmes, 2014-01-13


The degree project includes an independent, experimentally oriented in-depth assignment that connects to the activities that exist at a research institution, a public administration, pharmaceutical or biotechnology company. The degree project is examined orally in the form of an oral presentation or a poster and in writing in the form of a report designed as a scientific article.

Expected learning outcomes

The student must:

- by acquiring knowledge from both review articles and scientific original articles, be able to demonstrate deepening and broadening of their knowledge within the biomedical field.

- be able to demonstrate basic skills in experimental design and method selection

- in the experimental part, have received skills training and be able to demonstrate the application of their knowledge and skills

- be able to critically and systematically review and analyze own generated experimental results

- be able to compare the own generated experimental results with other research

- be able to independently present a larger task in the form of a scientific presentation

- show insight into the requirements that are set when solving a scientific problem

- demonstrate insights into both ethical and societal aspects that are relevant to the deepening task

- be able to briefly and at a level for laymen explain the purpose, results and significance of the in-depth assignment in writing

Required Knowledge

The course Advanced biomedicine 30 credits which is part of the Master's program in Biomedicine.

Form of instruction

The degree project includes an in-depth assignment that the student performs independently but with supervision. The responsible supervisor must have a PhD. Students doing degree work outside Umeå University must have a supervisor at the workplace and an assistant supervisor at Umeå University. A concise project plan containing a definition of the work task/purpose, a work plan where methods are specifically stated and a timetable must be approved before the start of the course. The work is presented orally and in a report written in English. The institution or company providing the project is not obliged to complete supervision for work that was started more than 12 months ago.

Examination modes

Examination takes place according to established grading criteria that are shared at the start of the course.

For an approved course, all elements must be approved:

- approved experimental task

- the work has been presented orally in seminar form or at a poster presentation

- both supervisor and examiner have approved the report

The written report is presented in the form of a concise scientific article written in English according to given instructions. The report must be linguistically and stylistically thorough and include the following:

- a concise popular science summary of the degree project

- brief introduction to the subject with relevant literature review

- the question must be problematized and clearly defined

- applied methods must be clearly described and any selection and selection framework reported

- the results must be clearly reported

- the discussion must reflect on the main findings, put the results in relation to published literature and evaluate own results against already published data, possible interpretation problems, and follow-up studies

- include ethical and societal aspects that are relevant in relation to the degree project

For the grade passed with distinction, an in-depth study is required in relation to the requirements for a passed grade

A student who has passed two tests for a course, or part of a course, without a passing result has the right to have another examiner appointed after a written request to the Program Council of the Biomedicine program, unless special reasons speak against it. A student who has failed an examination has the right to undergo renewed examination three times in order to be passed. After three failed examinations, the student is offered to retake the course. A student who, after retaking the course and failing the regular examination and on another occasion, must interrupt his studies.


Examination of whether previous work from another education can be credited is up to the program manager in consultation with subject representatives


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.