Main Field of Study and progress level:
Political Science: First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Political Science
Established by: Head of Department of Political Science, 2013-09-30
The purpose of this module is to give an overarching introduction to the history, institutional set-up, policy work and democratic situation of the European Union. Joining the EU leads to an upheaval in the national political context and puts new questions of accountability and public influence on the agenda. This makes an up-to-date understanding of the organization relevant. In this course we therefore seek to answer questions about what the EU really is, how it operates and how its member states are affected by the membership in the union. We will learn how the Eurozone is set-up, why the EU is able to send troops to Mali and why the common agricultural policy is so hard to reform. Questions about democracy and legitimacy are also core themes and will be integrated into all parts of the course.
Expected learning outcomes
In order to pass this course the student should, as far as knowledge and understanding are concerned, be able to:
Account for the overarching structure of the EU as well as explain how the main changes that have taken place since its foundation affect its daily work
Describe the main policy areas of the EU as well as how increased European influence over salient political questions affects democracy and legitimacy in Europe
In order to pass this course the student should, as far as skills and abilities are concerned, be able to:
Use European integration theories in order to on a general level be able to explain how the EU has developed
Draw on different theories of democracy to assess the democratic credentials of the union
Required Knowledge
Univ: 30 ECTS-credits in Political Science or equivalent.
Form of instruction
This course consists of lectures, seminars, a book report and one exam. The lectures aim to support students’ learning as a complement to individual study of the required readings. The seminars offer the opportunity to further discuss issues and concepts introduced throughout the course and the book report aims to give students the opportunity to more thoroughly engage with the union’s democratic situation. All in all the hope is that these different features of the course will provide a coherent whole that allows students to draw on different learning strategies to understand the activities of the EU.
Examination modes
The course grade is based on participation in seminars, the book report and the written exam. Three grades can be awarded: Fail (U), Pass (G), and Pass with distinction (VG).
Students who fail an examination may retake that examination at least 5 times. A student has the right to be tested in accordance with the same syllabus as during the original examination for up to two years after the first registration. A student has the right to request a new examiner if he/she fails two sub-course examinations (i.e. an examination and a retest). In such cases students should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Studierektor).
Valid from:
2013 week 40
The European Union : how does it work? Bomberg Elizabeth E., Peterson John, Corbett Richard 3. ed. : Oxford : Oxford University Press : c2012. : xxi, 275 p. : ISBN: 978-0-19-957080-5 (acid-free paper) Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue
Hix Simon What's wrong with the European Union and how to fix it Cambridge : Polity : 2008 : xii, 220 s. : ISBN: 978-0-7456-4204-8 Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue
European Union politics Cini Michelle, Pérez-Solórzano Borragán Nieves 4th ed. : Oxford : Oxford University Press : 2013. : 450 s. : ISBN: 0199694753 Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue
Moravcsik Andrew In Defence of the 'Democratic Deficit': Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union Included in: Journal of common market studies [Elektronisk resurs]. Oxford : Blackwell : 1997- : Vol.40 : pages 603-24 : Mandatory
"Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik" Follesdal Andreas, Hix Simon Included in: Journal of common market studies [Elektronisk resurs]. Oxford : Blackwell : 1997- : Vol.44 : pages s.533-62 : Mandatory