Main Field of Study and progress level:
Statistics: First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Statistics
Established by: Rector of Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2022-11-03
Revised by: Dean of Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, 2023-09-14
The course is designed to provide students with a versatile understanding of statistical methods and their applications in the field of medicine. The course content, in more detail, is provided below.
Introduction to Medical Statistics
Overview of statistics in medicine and its importance
Ethical considerations in medical research
Design, Analysis, and Reporting of Randomized Clinical Trials
Guidelines, key concepts, and trial objectives
Study design
Randomization techniques
Hypotheses and significance
Sample size determination and power
Analysis of clinical trials
Design, Analysis, and Reporting of Observational Studies
Guidelines, key concepts, and terminology
Study design
Controlling for confounders and assessing interactions
Advanced Regression Analysis in Medicine
Modeling binary outcomes
Modeling time-to-event outcomes in the presence of censoring
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding Students must be able to
1. Describe key concepts and terminology related to randomized clinical trials and observational studies 2. Identify common challenges and pitfalls in the design and statistical analysis of medical studies, and strategies to address them effectively
Skills and ability Students must be able to
3. Interpret and report statistical results in a medical context 4. Design a medical study 5. Analyze medical studies using techniques and software introduced in the course 6. Reflect on the strengths and limitations of different approaches for statistical analysis and study design in medicine
Judgement and approach Students must be able to
7. Critically evaluate research in medicine from methodological and ethical perspectives
Required Knowledge
7.5 ECTS in Statistics or equivalent. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.
Form of instruction
Learning is supported by lectures, lessons, seminars, computer lab sessions, and tutoring.
The course is given in a hybrid format, i.e., parts of the course are coordinated between a campus course and an online course.
Examination modes
The examination consists of two parts: an article review seminar, a written home exam with a following oral exam. The grades used for the article review seminar are G (Pass), and U (Fail), and for the home exam and oral exam VG (Pass with distinction), G (Pass), and U (Fail). The grade awarded on the course is a comprehensive evaluation of the results of the various parts of the examinations and is not granted until all mandatory tasks have been passed.
A student who has passed an examination is not allowed to take another examination in order to get a higher grade. For students who do not pass, an additional examination will be held according to a pre-determined schedule.
A student that has failed an examination on two occasions has a right to have another examiner or grading teacher appointed, unless there are special reasons against it. A written request addressed to the Director of Studies should be made no later than two weeks before the next examination opportunity.
Examinations based on the same course syllabus as the ordinary examinations are guaranteed to be offered up to two years after the date of the student's first registration for the course.
Adaptations Examiners may decide to deviate from the modes of assessment in the course syllabus. Individual adaptation of modes of assessment must give due consideration to the student's needs. The adaptation of modes of assessment must remain within the framework of the intended learning outcomes in the course syllabus. Students who require an adapted examination - and have received a decision on the right to support from the coordinator at the Student Services Office for students with disabilities - must submit a request to the department holding the course no later than 10 days before the examination
Academic credit transfer Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.
Valid from:
2023 week 38
Essential medical statistics Kirkwood Betty R., Sterne Jonathan A. C. 2. ed. : Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Science : cop. 2003 : x, 501 s. : ISBN: 0865428719 Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue
In addition to the course book, some articles and reports are introduced and provided to the students during the course.