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Statistics for Business and Economics, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Statistik för internationella ekonomer

This syllabus is valid: 2022-05-30 and until further notice

Course code: 2ST027

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Statistics: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Statistics

Revised by: Rector of Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2021-06-24


The course consists of four modules.

  • Basic Statistics 1 (7 credits)
  • Written assignment on Basic Statistics 1 (2,5 credits)
  • Basic Statistics 2 (4 credits)
  • Written assignment on Basic Statistics 2 (1,5 credits)

Module 1: Basic Statistics 1 (7 credits).

The module introduces the basic steps of a statistical analysis. Alternative ways of collecting data are discussed. Methods of graphically or numerically describing data are considered, in order to give an illustrative and conclusive description of what is often a complicated reality. Inference theory is another important field in statistics. Inference theory covers how to draw conclusions about populations based on random samples. The module will deal with methods of point estimation, confidence intervals and testing hypotheses. The connection between statistical hypothesis testing and the hypothetico-deductive method is discussed. Great emphasis is placed on understanding important statistical concepts within the scope of the module. During the module, different examples are given of how statistical methods are applied. Performing of simple statistical analysis with the aid of relevant software and interpreting the results will be a regular feature during this module.

Module 2: Written assignment on Basic Statistics 1 (2,5 credits).

This module consists of conducting, as part of a group, a survey in order to apply the knowledge acquired in module 1. In brief, the task is to

• plan a survey
• construct a questionnaire
• collect data
• analyse the collected data
• write a survey report
• present the results orally during at least one mandatory seminar
• critically review another group's report.

Module 3: Basic Statistics 2 (4 credits).

This module focuses on describing and analysing the connection between two or more variables. Methods such as correlation, simple linear and multiple linear regression are considered. Emphasis is placed on understanding important statistical concepts within the scope of the module. During the module, different examples are given of how statistical methods can be applied. Performing of simple statistical analysis with the aid of relevant software and interpreting the results will be a regular feature during this module.

Module 4: Written assignment on Basic Statistics 2 (1,5 credits).

This module consists of conducting, as part of a group, a survey in order to apply the knowledge acquired in module 3. In brief, the task is to

• analyse data
• compile results of the study in a report
• present the results orally during at least one mandatory seminar
• critically review another group's report.

Expected learning outcomes

After passing this course the student should be able to:

  • describe the basic steps of a statistical survey
  • describe the basic statistical terminology that is relevant for each respective module of the course
  • apply statistical methods such as point estimation, confidence interval and hypothesis testing
  • interpret derived statistical results and contextualise them
  • perform simple and multiple linear regression analyses
  • based on a stated question and the scales of measures choose an appropriate method of statistical analysis among those presented in the course
  • conduct a questionnaire-survey
  • in writing and orally, present the results of the statistical study
  • critically review a statistical study
  • use relevant software to process, analyse and present data.

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements and English 6, Mathematics 3b or 3c or Mathematics C, Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2

Form of instruction

The course consists of lectures, practicals, computer practicals, seminars, and tutoring. Mandatory written assignments/seminars are included in modules 2 and 4.

Examination modes

The student's progress on the course is assessed through examination based on the expected learning outcomes.
Examination is done through written exams in module 1 and 3. Written exams are graded Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Failed (U).

Modules 2 and 4 are examined through a written report, which is also presented orally during at least one mandatory seminar. Opposition of another group's work is also part of the examination in these modules. Reports, oral presentations, oppositions and seminar attendance are only graded Pass (G) or Failed (U). Deadlines will be set for mandatory written assignments, oppositions and oral presentations. Any supplementation of assignments should be completed within two weeks of the end of the module.

Grades on the course are awarded when students have passed all examinations and mandatory course elements. The grade is a comprehensive evaluation of the results of the various parts of the examinations and is not granted until all mandatory tasks have been passed.

A student who has passed an examination is not allowed to take another examination in order to get a higher grade. For students who do not pass, an additional test will be held according to a set schedule.

After two failed examinations in one module, the student has the right to request another grading teacher unless special reasons exist. Written requests should be handed to the Director of Studies no later than two weeks before the date of the next examination.

Examinations based on the same course syllabus as the ordinary examinations are guaranteed to be offered up to two years after the date of the student's first registration for the course.

Academic credit transfer

Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.


Valid from: 2022 week 22

Alwan Layth
Practice of statistics for business and economics
Palgrave : 2016 : 976 sidor :
ISBN: 978-1-319-15412-7
Search the University Library catalogue

Additional material will be used during the course (approx. 70 pages).