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The Political Climate in Europe, 7.5 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2023-06-19

Swedish name: Det politiska klimatet i Europa

This syllabus is valid: 2019-06-17 and until further notice

Course code: 2SO152

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Sociology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Sociology

Revised by: Head of Department of Sociology, 2019-06-19


The course lies within the field of political sociology. More specifically, the course aims to improve students' knowledge about the socio-economic and socio-cultural cleavages that characterize the political climate in Europe today. The goal is to promote understanding of why certain political issues and attitudes dominate at a particular historical moment and in a certain social context. The content of the course is both theoretical and empirical and focuses on explanations of and processes associated with dominant cleavages, including the role of identity and material conditions. The course also provides opportunities to discuss different methodological approaches to research questions, including the potential benefits of and problems associated with different approaches.

Expected learning outcomes

In regards to comprehension and knowledge, on successful completion of the course, the student will have:

  • Gained greater knowledge of the central political cleavages in Europe today. 
  • Developed an understanding of different processes associated with and explanations of central political cleavages in Europe today. 

In regards to ability and proficiency, on successful completion of the course, the student will have: 

  • Demonstrated analytical skills regarding the use of theories, arguments, methods and empirical results within the area of political sociology and in the study of political cleavages in Europe. 
  • Developed research skills within the field of political sociology by identifying and synthesizing relevant knowledge concerning political cleavages in Europe as well as planning and carrying out related research in the form of a final paper. 

Concerning the logic of inquiry, on successful completion of the course, the student will have:

  • Demonstrated the ability to identify relevant research questions in relation to political cleavages in Europe, 
  • Demonstrated the ability to select methods appropriate for specific research questions. 
  • Demonstrated an understanding of how empirical results relate to relevant theoretical discussions within the field of political sociology.
  • Demonstrated the ability to evaluate different methods' strengths and weaknesses in relation to specific areas of research.

Required Knowledge

Univ: Courses of the amount of 90 ECTS credits in Social Sciences (Business Administration 90 ECTS, Economics 90 ECTS, Economic History 90 ECTS, Pedagogy 90 ECTS, Gender Studies 90 ECTS, Human Geography 90 ECTS, Informatics 90 ECTS, Peace and Conflict Studies 90 ECTS, Political Science 90 ECTS, Psychology 90 ECTS, Social Administration 90 ECTS, Social Care 90 ECTS, Social Policy 90 ECTS, Social Work 90 ECTS, Sociology 90 ECTS), or equivalent eligibility.
Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/5.

Form of instruction

Course meetings will take the form of workshops, which combine lecture and seminar as well as individual work. Some of the workshops are compulsory. Students are required to come to workshops having read the course materials and to participate actively in class discussion. All teaching will be in English.

Examination modes

Students will be assessed on their participation in compulsory workshops and through a final paper. If a student does not participate actively in any compulsory workshop, he/she will be required to complete a special assignment. The Swedish academic grading system includes three passing grades: Fail, Pass, and Pass with distinction. Examination based on this syllabus cannot be guaranteed after two years from the start of the course. International students will be graded in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

The examination consists of two parts. The students are expected to write a PM and an essay; the essay should also be presented at a seminar (compulsory). In order to be awarded a passing grade for the course as a whole, the student must pass both parts of the examination and attend all compulsory sessions indicated in the course schedule.

For each examining part of the course, a regular examination is offered followed by a re-examination within two months after the regular examination. When an examination is offered in May and June, the first re-examination is offered within three months of the regular examination. In addition, a second re-examination given within a year after the end of the course. Re-examination based on the same course plan as the regular examination is guaranteed up to two years after the course plan has ceased to be valid or the course is no longer given (see rules for grades and examination on basic and advanced level, Dnr: FS 1.1.2-553-14). A student who has failed twice an examination  for a course or a part of a course is entitled to have another examiner appointed after a written request to the head of department.
Deviations from the form of examination in the course plan can be made for a student who has pedagogical support due to disabilities. Individual adjustment of the examination form is determined based on the student's needs. The examination form is adjusted within the framework of the expected learning outcomes of the course plan. After a request from the student, the course coordinator, in consultation with the examiner, promptly decides on the adjusted form of examination. The decision is then to be reported to the student. 
Transfer of credits
In order to transfer credits to a corresponding course at Umeå University, students have the right to submit previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in the profession for evaluation. Application for transfer of credits is submitted to the Student Centre / Examinations. More information on transfer of credits is available on Umeå University's student website, www.student.umu.se, and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). A refusal for transfer of credits may be appealed against (Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 12) to the University Appeals Board. This applies whether the entire application or part of the application for transfer of credits is refused.


Valid from: 2019 week 25

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