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Supported Education - Principles, skills and strategies to develop career-oriented support for young adults with mental health problems, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Stöd i studier - Principer, färdigheter och strategier för att utveckla karriärinriktat stöd till unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa

This syllabus is valid: 2023-10-30 and until further notice

Course code: 2SA219

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Social Work: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Social Work

Established by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2023-10-31


Valid from: 2023 week 44

Lövgren, Hillborg, Bejerholm, Rosenberg, Bergmark
Individanpassat stöd till studier för unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa. En vägledning om Supported education baserad på Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
Umeå universitet : 2023 :

Så kan du stödja unga med psykisk ohälsa i skolan : verktygslåda Supported Education
Bostedt Annika, Lagercrantz Caroline
Hägersten : RSMH : [2019] : 142 sidor :
ISBN: 9789198377026
Search the University Library catalogue

Becker Deborah R.
Manual för att bedöma programtroheten för IPS - individanpassat stöd till arbete
[Stockholm] : Socialstyrelsen : juni 2022 : 225 sidor :

Reference literature

Supported Education in a Swedish Context: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Career-Oriented Support for Young Adults with Mental Health Problems
Lövgren V, Hillborg H, Bejerholm U, Rosenberg D
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 22(1), 1-11. : 2020 :

Integrating Interventions That Can Support a Career-Oriented Recovery for Young Adults : Building on the Supported Education Knowledge Base
Hillborg Helene, Lövgren Veronica, Bejerholm Ulrika, Rosenberg David
Springer : 2020 :

Liljeholm, Hillborg, Argentzell, Lövgren Rosenberg, Bejerholm
The process of supporting careers for young adults with mental health problems: Case study of a supported education program
Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health : 2023 :

The Journey to My Student Identity : A Grounded Theory Study on Supported Education for Young Adults with Mental Health Problems
Liljeholm Ulrika, Argentzell Elisabeth, Hillborg Helene, Lövgren Veronica, Rosenberg David, Bejerholm Ulrika
Springer : 2021 :