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Social work for Increased Participation and Citizenship - Community Support for People with Intellectual and Psychiatric Disabilities, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Socialt arbete för delaktighet och medborgarskap - samhällsstöd vid psykisk och intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

This syllabus is valid: 2024-06-03 and until further notice

Course code: 2SA202

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Social Work: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Social Work

Established by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2021-12-02

Revised by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2024-03-28

Required Knowledge

A minimum of 90 ECTS within the social sciences education in the following subjects: social work, sociology, Psychology, Peace and conflict studies, pedagogic, Gender Studies and social geography, Political science, Law/legal Science or in other courses that are considered equal to thus above, including an individual essay carrying at least 15 credits or 90 ECTS within nursing including an individual essay carrying at least 15 credits. In addition, English and Swedish are required for basic eligibility for higher education.


Valid from: 2024 week 23

Att leva med psykisk funktionsnedsättning : livssituation och effektiva vård- och stödinsatser
Brunt David, Bejerholm Ulrika, Markström Urban, Hansson Lars
Tredje upplagan / David Brunt, Ulrika Bejerholm, Urban Markström, Lars Hansson (red.) : Lund : Studentlitteratur : [2020] : 515 sidor :
ISBN: 9789144126227
Search the University Library catalogue

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The use of restrictive measures in community services for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden
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Work Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Three Nordic Countries: The Current Policy and Challenges
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Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 23(1), 360-370. : 2021 :

Boende och livsmiljö för personer med psykisk ohälsa. En forskningsrapport om stödinsatser, samarbete över förvaltningsgränser och bostadsförsörjning
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Brukarinflytande i Norden : en kunskapssammanställning om metoder och effekter inom välfärdssektorn
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Intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, samhälle och välfärd
Ineland Jens, Ineland Jens, Molin Martin, Sauer Lennart
Tredje upplagan : Malmö : Gleerups : [2019] : 212 sidor :
ISBN: 9789151101934
Search the University Library catalogue

Epistemic Injustice and conditioned experience: The case of intellectual disability
Kalman H, Lövgren V, Sauer L
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Nouf Faten
Ett meningsfullt liv med arbete? : högfungerande individer med autism mellan funktionshinder- och arbetsmarknadspolitik
Umeå : Institutionen för socialt arbete, Umeå universitet : 2021 : 131 sidor :
Fritt tillgänglig via Umeå universitet
ISBN: 9789178555185
Search the University Library catalogue

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Scandinavian disability policy: From deinstitutionalisation to non-discrimination and beyond
Alter, 10(2), 111-123 : 2016 :

Citizenship: Reflections on a Relevant but Ambivalent Concept for Persons with Disabilities
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Disability & Society, 34(3), 421-448 : 2019 :

Andersson G
What makes supportive relationships supportive? The social climate in supported housing for people with psychiatric disabilities
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Beresford P
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Improving quality of life outcomes in supported accommodation for people with intellectual disability: What makes a difference?
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Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31(2), 182-200. : 2018 :

Fringe or not fringe? Strategies for localizing supported accommodation in a Post Deinstitutional era.
Fjellfeldt M, Högström E, Berglund-Snodgrass L, Markström U
Social Inclu-sion, 9(3), 201-213 : 2021 :

Housing and support narratives of people experiencing mental health issues: making my place, my home
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Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:939. : 2020 :

Studies regarding supported housing and the built environment for people with mental health problems: a mixed-methods literature review
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More time for what?: Exploring intersecting notions of gender, work, age and leisure time among people with cognitive disabilities
Lövgren V, Bertilsdotter Rosqvist H
International Journal of Social Welfare, 24(3), 263–272 : 2015 :

Supported Education in a Swedish Context: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Career-Oriented Support for Young Adults with Mental Health Problems
Lövgren V, Hillborg H, Bejerholm U, Rosenberg D
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 22(1), 1-11. : 2020 :

Self-advocacy in Sweden—an analysis of impact on daily life and identity of self-advocates with intellectual disability
Mineur T, Tideman M, Mallander O
Cogent Social Sciences, 3(1), 1-16. : 2017 :

Encouraging real or make-believe citizen-workers? Narratives of self-realization versus disabling support-to-work contexts by individuals with high functioning autism
Nouf Faten, Andersson K, Markström U
Alter; European Journal of Disability Research, 13 (2): 126-140. : 2019 :

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Going social: Championing a holistic model of mental distress within professional education
Social Work Education, 21(2), 143-155 : 2002 :

Övergången från ung till vuxen för personer med funktionsnedsättning : en kartläggning av det vetenskapliga kunskapsläget
Tideman M, Lövgren V, Malmqvist J
Retrieved from Forte – Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd : 2020 :

Young people with intellectual disability—The role of self-advocacy in a transformed Swedish welfare system
Tideman M, Svensson O
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 10(1), 25100. : 2015 :

A day in the life of people with severe mental illness living in supported housing.
Tjörnstrand C, Eklund M, Bejerholm U, Argentzell E, Brunt D
BMC Psychiatry 20: 508 : 2020 :