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Social Work with Elderly, 7.5 Credits

Swedish name: Socialt arbete med äldre

This syllabus is valid: 2023-10-23 and until further notice

Course code: 2SA192

Credit points: 7.5

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Social Work: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Social Work

Established by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2021-05-27

Revised by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2023-10-02

Required Knowledge

For students in the social work program, the requirement is that you have received a passing grade in examinations, completed and registered program courses, totaling 150 credits (semester 1-3, 90 credits, semester 4-6, 60 credits) In addition, ongoing studies at semester 6 are required.


Valid from: 2023 week 43

Ageing people with intellectual disabilities and the association between frailty factors and social care: A Swedish national register study
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Prevalence and Correlates of Sexual, Physical, and Psychological Violence Against Women and Men of 60 to 74 Years in Sweden
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Perceptions of intimacy and integrity in formal home care
Ahnlund P, Lövgren V, Andersson K, Kalman H
European Journal of Social Work, vol. 26, (5): 828-839 : 2023 :

Governance, accountability, and organizational development: eldercare unit managers’ and local politicians’ experiences of and responses to state supervision of Swedish eldercare
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Issues of active ageing: Perceptions of older people with lifelong intellectual disability
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Socialt arbete i äldreomsorg. Professionell handläggning i teori och praktik
Elmersjö M, Hultqvist S, Johansson S
Malmö: Gleerups : 2023 :

Gunnarsson Evy
The vulnerable life course: poverty and social assistance among middle-aged and older women. Ageing and Society, vol. 22:709-728
2002 :

The natural, the normal and the normative: Contested terrains in ageing and old age.
Jones I.R, Higgs P.F
Social Sciene & Medicine. 71, 1513-1519. : 2010 :

The exclusion of older people in disability activism and policies. A case of inadvertent ageism?
Jönson H, Taghizadeh Larsson S
Journal of Ageing Studies, 23: 69-77 : 2009 :

Socialt arbete med äldre
Jönson Håkan, Harnett Tove
1. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & Kultur : 2015 : 278 s. :
ISBN: 9789127140714
Search the University Library catalogue

Jönson Håkan
Perspektiv på utsatthet och problem under åldrandet
Lunds universitet: Social Work press : 2022 :

Jönson Håkan
Perspektiv på ålderism
Lunds Universitet. Social Work Press : 2021 :

Framing of Intimate Care in Home Care Services
Kalman Hildur, Andersson Katarina
European Journal of Social Work (ISSN 1369-1457) (EISSN 1468-2664) :

Critical perspectives on successful aging: does it ”appeal more than it illuminates”?
Katz S, Calasanti T
The Gerontologist, 55(1): 26-33. : 2015 :

Katz Stephen
Busy Bodies: Activity, Aging, and the Management of Everyday Life. Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 14, no. 2:135-152.
2000 :

Widowhood and the end of spousal care-giving:relief of wear and tear. Ageing and Society, vol. 28, 551-570.
Keene Jennifer Reid, Prokos Anastasia H
2008 :

Marketisation in Nordic eldercare : a research report on legislation, oversight, extent and consequences
Meagher Gabrielle, Szebehely Marta
Stockholm : Department of Social Work, Stockholm University: 288 s. : 2013 :

Mégret F
The Human Rights of Older Persons: A Growing Challenge.
Human Rights Law Review, 11(1): 37-66. : 2011 :

Olaison, Anna & Cedersund Elisabet (2006)
Assessment for home care: Negotiating solutions for individual needs. Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 20:367-380.


Siebert, Darcy C, Mutran, Elisabeth J & Reitzes, Donald (1999)
Friendship and Social Support: The Importance of Role Identity to Aging Adults. Social Work, vol. 44, no. 6:522-533.


Home care for older people in Sweden: a universal model in transition.
Szebehely M, Trydegård G-B
Health and Social Care in the Community, 20(3): 300-309. : 2012 :

Torres, Sandra (2006)
Elderly Immigrants in Sweden: ”Otherness” Under Construction. Journal of Ethnic Migration Studies, vol. 32, no. 8:1341-1358.
