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Supervised Field Placement - Practicum - International, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Handledd verksamhetsförlagd utbildning - Internationellt

This syllabus is valid: 2020-09-21 and until further notice

Course code: 2SA183

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Social Work: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Social Work

Revised by: Head of Department of Social Work, 2020-10-12


The aim of the course is for the student to independently apply different theories and methods and to critically and reflectively translate such knowledge and experience into social work practice.
The field placement is divided into two modules:
Module 1, 15 credits
The student completes half of their placement as part of Module 1. This module includes writing an individual placement plan together with the responsible supervisor. In addition to regular supervision sessions, the first individual development discussion between the principal supervisor and the student takes place in this module. During this module, the student must carry out and submit their first examination assignment on the course.
Module 2, 15 credits
Within module 2, the student completes their placement period with continuous supervision. At the end of this module, the placement supervisor must submit a supervisor report as the basis of the completed placement and as part of the assessment of the student's ability and conditions for fulfilling the intended learning outcomes of the placement. The student must also present a certificate of attendance and proof that supervision has been continuously provided throughout the semester.  During this module, the student must carry out and submit their second examination assignment on the course.

Expected learning outcomes

In regard to knowledge and understanding, the student must be able to:

1.    Describe the operation's organisation, goals and its importance for the social worker's room for manoeuvre and future professional role.
2.    Identify important partners and give examples of forms of cooperation with these

       When it comes to skills and abilities, the student must be able to:

3.    Independently implement various theories and methods of social work under supervision.
4.    Identify and analyse problems and resources, and propose decisions and interventions where necessary
5.    Establish, maintain and end relationships and demonstrate an understanding of the processes of social work
6.    Demonstrate the ability to take a professional approach, focusing on communication and collaboration
In regard to valuation ability and approach, the student must be able to:

7.    Identify and problematize social work based on the practical experiences provided by the course Supervised Field Placement, and demonstrate an understanding of the experiences that the individual may have, especially considering class, gender, ethnicity and age
8.    Reflect on and critically consider ethical dilemmas, conflicts and power structures in social work
9.    Analyse and critically consider how their own norms, values and attitudes and those of the organisation and the profession influences the meeting with the target group and other professional categories
10.    Show empathic ability and critically consider how their own personality is affected and affects others in the social work
11.    Identify and value their own ability to translate theoretical knowledge, experiences and skills into practice and to clarify their own need for further knowledge within social work

Required Knowledge

To be admitted on the course, all the courses included in semester 1 and semester 2 of the Social Work Programme must have been passed.

Form of instruction

The Department of Social Work concludes agreements with all international field placement sites.
During the field placement, the student shall obtain new knowledge and experiences that can be translated and related to previous experiences and knowledge. During the work and process supervision, the student is gradually given greater responsibility for the tasks carried out in the field placement. During the placement period, the student shall carry out as well as use and discuss thematic assignments under supervision. During the placement period, the student shall work on two examination assignments, of which the first relates to organisational understanding and the second focuses on the student's own learning process.  During the placement period, through continuous process supervision, the student shall self-reflect in the social work and start developing a professional identity.

Examination modes

Examination is carried out through the following methods;
Individual written assignments 1 and 2
Documentation and consultation with the placement organisation for assessment of the student's learning process and development
In order to achieve a Pass on the course, the student must receive a passing grade on all examinations and documentation. 
If a student interrupts their placement ahead of time, there must always be a follow-up discussion with all the parties.

For written assignments, the student must manage sources in accordance with accepted academic formats and all assignments must be of a high linguistic standard.
 If the student has been given a decision on special support, the examiner is entitled to make a decision regarding adapted examination.

If the student fails a placement, they only have one opportunity to register for another field placement. The reason for this restriction is the currently limited access to placement sites.
The responsible examiner has a right to, in consultation with the supervisor involved, decide to fail a student during on-going placement in cases where he or she demonstrates such deficiencies in knowledge, skills or approach that they, individually or in combination, entail a tangible risk that the student during placement may harm another person physically or mentally. The student then prematurely discontinues their placement and receives the grade fail (U) in the course in question.

In connection with such a decision, an individual development plan shall be established by the examiner in consultation with the student. The development plan shall state what knowledge, skills and approaches the student needs to acquire to be permitted to resume the placement and a point in time at which a check of this shall take place. The student is entitled to two such checking occasions per year. However, the number of such checking occasions shall not exceed more than four unless special reason exists. If the student at such a checking occasion demonstrates that he or she has acquired the knowledge, skills and approaches that the development plan indicates, the student shall be entitled to implement a new period of placement on condition that the student has not used up his or her placement occasions.
Deviations for the course syllabus' examination may be made for a student who has been subject to a decision granting pedagogical support due to a disability. Individual adaption of the examination form shall be considered based on the student's needs. The form of examination is adapted within the framework of the expected study results of the course syllabus. At the student's request, the course coordinator shall promptly decide, in consultation with the examiner, on the appropriate form of examination. The decision shall then be communicated to the student.

When it comes to regulations relating to retake exams in a different location, the Department adheres to Umeå University's rules for grading and examination on first-cycle and second-cycle courses: https://www.umu.se/regelverk/utbildning-pa-grund-och-avancerad-niva/regler-for-betyg-och-examination-pa-grund--och-avancerad-niva/
The application for examination in a different location is made at the students' office

A student is entitled to change examiners after two failed examinations, unless there are special reasons to deny such a request. A written request is submitted to the Director of Studies no later than two weeks before the next possible examination.

Other regulations

Advanced credit for the field placement will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Industrial Injury Insurance
Students who do their field placement (practicum) abroad as "Free.Movers" are responsible for their own insurance during their travel.


Valid from: 2020 week 39

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