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Social Work with Elderly, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Socialt arbete med äldre

This syllabus is valid: 2011-01-31 and until further notice

Course code: 2SA066

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Social Work: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Social Work


The course deals with research which conceptualises experiences of aging and identity. Life after retirement entails changes in personal relationships and living conditions. The aging body and ideas of aging are problematised from a social perspective. Needs for social care, medical care and dependence are problematised from the experiences of both giver and receiver. Home, family, death and grief are examples of themes that are examined from the global to the local context. The role of the citizen focuses on the diverse and gendered conditions of aging. Social situations such as loneliness and vulnerability as well as poverty, addiction and violence are considered during the course. The course problematises fundamental theoretical categories such as gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course the student is expected to •Display in-depth knowledge of the conditions and underlying factors affecting social aging. •With the aid of theories, be able to critically examine, argue and relate to central terms such as identity, family, relationships, care, diversity and equality. •With the aid of these theories, be able to reflect on, as well as analyse, social work with the elderly. •Display a good ability to independently determine, describe, discuss and present a research problem, with a theme relevant to the course, both orally and in writing. •Display a good ability to communicate and to contribute with considered viewpoints to seminar discussions.

Required Knowledge

Specific entry requirements in English, equivalent to English A from Swedish Upper Secondary School. A Bachelor’s degree from an internationally recognised university. Special requirements: 90 ECTS in social Work or the equivalent including an undergraduate thesis of 15 ECTS.

Form of instruction

Teaching takes the form of lectures, seminars and individual presentations. Attendance at seminars and individual presentations is compulsory. Students who are unable to participate in an examinatory element will be set extra assignments. The course requires the students to find their own literature, or to critically relate to a selection of supplementary articles.

Examination modes

The course uses continuous examination in the form of active participation in seminars and individual and written tests. The course is examined through a written assignment which is presented orally and discussed in a seminar, as well as through active participation in seminar discussions of participants’ presentations. All examinatory elements are used as bases for the overall course grade. To receive the grade “pass” for the course it is necessary to achieve a passing grade for all seminars as well as for the individual written assignment. To receive a “pass with credit” grade for the course it is necessary to achieve a passing grade for all seminars as well as a pass with credit grade for the individual written assignment. Students who achieve a passing grade in an examination may not be re-examined order to achieve a higher grade. For all written assignments it is required that students handle sources in accordance with academic tradition. Students who do not achieve a passing grade in an examination have the right to re-examination no later than three months after examination results have been made public, and subsequently when the course is given again. Students who fail to participate in compulsory/or examinatory group work or seminar(s) can, in certain cases, supplement this with an individual assignment. In cases where this is not possible the student is given the opportunity to participate in the element in question when the course is given again. Students have the right to change examiner after two failed examinations, unless special reasons exist. A written request for change of examiner is to be submitted to the director of studies no later than two weeks before the next examination date.

Other regulations

Credit Transfer Transfer of credits is assessed on an individual basis. For more information please contact your student adviser. See also the “Code of rules and procedures at Umeå University”. http://www8.umu.se/studentcentrum/regler_riktlinjer/regelsamlingen/index_eng.htm


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.