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Social Work V, 30 Credits

Swedish name: Socialt arbete V

This syllabus is valid: 2012-09-03 and until further notice

Course code: 2SA025

Credit points: 30

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Social Work: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Social Work


The purpose of this course is to train students to critically and reflectively practice carrying over knowledge and experiences into practice. In International Field Placements, the new environment and working conditions mean that students will need more time to obtain basic knowledge of the aims of the institution where the training is being carried out and to learn about the organisation, function and mode of operation of the institution. Therefore it is important for the student to have time to reflect on what he/she does. It will take additional time for the student to develop the capacity for oral and written understanding and expression.

It will also take a longer time for the student in these circumstances to develop independence and to work on his/her own. Experience shows that it is towards the end of the period that the student is sufficiently secure to participate and to use him/herself in social work.

It is very important for the supervisor and his/hers colleagues to take these considerations into account. The student shall be given the opportunity and time for work assignments and supervision.

Expected learning outcomes

Alt 2. Field Placement (Practicum), International, 30 credits (ECTS

Term 5 is a practice based course where the student, under supervision, will transfer prior learning and experiences into practice. The student will also obtain knowledge and skills from the social work field that are of value for the further studies and future professional role. The student will work through their own reactions and attitudes as well as critically and theoretically reflect of their own social work in order to develop their professional role and identity.

After this completed module, the student shall:
- Demonstrate a good understanding of agency goals, organization and partners
- Have an increased ability to transfer theoretical knowledge into practical social work
- In supervision, demonstrate the ability to reflect on importance of the self in social work
- Be conversant with current practices and independently engage with the clients at an agency
- Use empathy in initiating, maintaining and closing contacts with clients
- Be able to identify, analyze and propose actions and decisions.
- Possess the ability to critically reflect on practical experiences gained by connecting different theoretical perspectives and research relevant to the placement context

In cases where the field supervisor, in consultation with the course examiner, determine that the student puts him/herself or others in difficult situations, e.g. danger, harassment, difficulty working together, or has clear and obvious gaps in knowledge or abilities in an organization, the field placement can be immediately terminated even prior to the end of the course. In such a case, the student would receive the grade of U on the course but will, in these circumstances, be assigned a new development plan.

Required Knowledge

In order to transition from social work IV to social work V the student must have passed 90 credits, including social work I and II (60hp), and 15 hp from social work III.

Form of instruction

During the field placement, the student will develop knowledge and experiences that are both new and related to previous knowledge and experiences. Teaching is based on practical training in social work where students, under supervision, progressively take on greater responsibility for the tasks contained in their placement. During the field placement, the student will carry out and present observation summaries, process abstracts and thematic assignments. Students will work on their assignments and prepare three assignments to be submitted at the end of the term. During the field placement term, students should, with continuous supervision, reflect on themselves in their work and on their development of a professional identity.

Individual Plan
An individual plan for the field placement will be drawn up by the supervisor and the student (see Appendix 1). The supervisor will ensure that the aims of the field placement will be achieved. The individual plan is a tool that will make it easier to organise supervision. The plan will be sent to the Department of Social Work during the first part of the period (not later than 12 February during the spring term and 15 September during the autumn term).

In the middle of the field placement, a summarising discussion of the student's development is intended to take place between the supervisor and the student (see Appendix 2). The plan will also be an important basis for the course coordinator’s assessment at the end of the placement.

Regular Supervisory Sessions
The Department of Social Work expects the supervisor to have regular supervisory sessions, normally one to two hours a week. Supervision will deal mainly with the student's reflections and views on the field placement. These regular supervisory sessions are seen as a compliment to continuous daily supervision concerning the work, which is intended to take place between the field supervisor and the student.

Means of Supervision
It is important that the student makes a so-called observations report. Thus, the student will draw up a detailed description of, for example, a conference, a staff meeting or a discussion between the field supervisor and a client. The student is then responsible for using this observation as the basis for a supervision session.

Process reports are detailed descriptions of the processes that take place in the discussion between the student and a client of his/her own. These reports should be given due consideration at the regular supervisory sessions.

The student is expected to keep a diary and make notes on observations, discussions with clients or service users, and study visits. The notes can be used, among other things, as starting-points at the regular supervisory sessions. They will also be an important basis for the student's subsequent written reflection.

Students' Groups and Study Visits
Where possible, student groups are used to give students the opportunity of sharing experiences with one another, planning study visits and connecting theory to practice. One student in each group will be responsible for organising the first group meeting. Carefully prepared study visits are seen as an important compliment to the field placement. Thus, the agencies which are visited should be closely connected to the students' own field of social work. Expenses for study visits will not be compensated by the Department of Social Work. (see Individual Plan)

Examination modes

The Learning Objectives will be examined through:
1. Written description of the field placement/practicum. It shall describe the goals of the agency as well as its organisation, mode of operation, staff categories and ways of co-operation.

2. Supervisor’s Report. This report from the practice supervisor will include documentation of participation in observation and process supervision. The supervisor will send his/her report to the Department of Social Work at the end of the designated period.

3. Written reflection. It shall describe the student’s own reflections of his/her experiences as well as personal and professional knowledge gained from this international field placement experience. The written reflection will be submitted to the course coordinator at the end of the field placement.

4. Written summary of at least one peer-reviewed journal article. The student is expected to explain the relevance of this article to some aspect of learning in the field placement.

All parts of the course form the basis for examination. A grades for this course is only given when all examinations are completed.

For all written assignments to the student is expected to make reference to sources in accordance with academic tradition.

To achieve the grade of Pass on the course, all examinations must receive the grade of Pass.
To achieve the grade of Pass with Distinction, the student must receive a recommendation of Pass with Distinction from their field supervisor as well as receive the grade of Pass with Distinction on at least two of the other examinations.

Students who have not successfully completed the field placement examinations have the right to reexamination within three months after the exam results, and thereafter in connection to the ordinary course schedule. Students have the right to change examiner after two non-approved examinations, unless circumstances do not permit this. A written request must be submitted to the director of studies at least two weeks before the next scheduled examination.

The examinor, in accordance with the academic supervisor, has the right to fail a student during his practical placement. The student will be failed if his behavior leads to a physical or psychological threat to another person, either due to lack of theoretical or practical knowledge, and/or poor practical performance. The student will be forced to terminate his practical placement immediately and will be failed in the current academic course.

Other regulations

Advanced credit for the field placement will be evaluated on an individual basis.

Industrial Injury Insurance
Students who do their field placement (practicum) abroad as “Free.Movers” are responsible for their own insurance during their travel.


  • Valid from: 2014 week 3

    Gerdman Axianne
    Klient, praktikant, handledare : om att utveckla en egen yrkesteori : handledning av socionompraktikanter
    1. [uppl.] : Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand : 1989 : 129 s. :
    ISBN: 91-46-15676-3 ; 165:00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Professionell utveckling och handledning : ett yrkesövergripande perspektiv
    Killén Kari, Larson Per
    1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteraturc 2008e (Polen) : 2008 : 271 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-44-04773-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Morén Stefan
    Förändringens gestalt : om villkoren för mänskligt bistånd
    1. uppl. : Stockholm : Publica :b Allmänna förl. [distributör] : cop. 1992 : 174 s. :
    ISBN: 91-38-92190-1
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Bära eller brista: kommunikation och relationer i arbetet med människor
    Rokenes Odd Harald, Hansen Per-Halvard
    Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB : 2007 :

    Tveiten Sidsel
    Yrkesmässig handledning - mer än ord
    2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2003 : 263 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-03230-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Herz Marcus
    Kritiskt socialt arbete
    1. uppl. : Malmö : Liber : 2012 : 185 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-47-09688-6
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    Insatser och resultat i socialt arbete
    Blom Björn, Morén Stefan
    Lund : Studentlitteratur* : 2007 :
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    Socialt arbete en grundbok
    Meeuwisse Anna, Swärd Hans, Sunesson Sune
    Stockholm : Natur & Kultur : 2006 :

    Cajvert Lilja
    Behandlarens kreativa rum : om handledning
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1998 : 191 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00128-2
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Franke Anita
    Praktikhandledning och mentorskap
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1999 :

    Handledning och praktisk yrkesteori
    Lauvås Per, Handal Gunnar
    2., [utök.]uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2001 : 384 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-01707-3
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Handledning : ett vårdpedagogiskt verktyg
    Petersson Bengt-Olof, Vahlne Lisa
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1997 : 107 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00078-2
    Search the University Library catalogue

  • Valid from: 2013 week 4

    Sandström Gunbritt
    Att vara socionom : från utbildad till erfaren
    1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur Kap 1, 3, 5, 9, 14, 15 : 2010 : 192 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-44-05990-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Börjesson Bengt
    Förstå socialt arbete
    Malmö Liber 2010 : 2010 :

    Dysthe Olga
    Dialog, samspel och lärande
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2007 :

    Gerdman Axianne
    Klient, praktikant, handledare : om att utveckla en egen yrkesteori : handledning av socionompraktikanter
    1. [uppl.] : Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand : 1989 : 129 s. :
    ISBN: 91-46-15676-3 ; 165:00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Professionell utveckling och handledning : ett yrkesövergripande perspektiv
    Killén Kari, Larson Per
    1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteraturc 2008e (Polen) : 2008 : 271 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-44-04773-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Morén Stefan
    Förändringens gestalt : om villkoren för mänskligt bistånd
    1. uppl. : Stockholm : Publica :b Allmänna förl. [distributör] : cop. 1992 : 174 s. :
    ISBN: 91-38-92190-1
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Bära eller brista: kommunikation och relationer i arbetet med människor
    Rokenes Odd Harald, Hansen Per-Halvard
    Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB : 2007 :

    Tveiten Sidsel
    Yrkesmässig handledning - mer än ord
    2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2003 : 263 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-03230-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Cajvert Lilja
    Behandlarens kreativa rum : om handledning
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1998 : 191 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00128-2
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Franke Anita
    Praktikhandledning och mentorskap
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1999 :

    Handledning och praktisk yrkesteori
    Lauvås Per, Handal Gunnar
    2., [utök.]uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2001 : 384 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-01707-3
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Handledning : ett vårdpedagogiskt verktyg
    Petersson Bengt-Olof, Vahlne Lisa
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1997 : 107 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00078-2
    Search the University Library catalogue

  • Valid from: 2012 week 36

    Dysthe Olga
    Dialog, samspel och lärande
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2007 :

    Professionell utveckling och handledning : ett yrkesövergripande perspektiv
    Killén Kari, Larson Per
    1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteraturc 2008e (Polen) : 2008 : 271 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-44-04773-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Morén Stefan
    Förändringens gestalt : om villkoren för mänskligt bistånd
    1. uppl. : Stockholm : Publica :b Allmänna förl. [distributör] : cop. 1992 : 174 s. :
    ISBN: 91-38-92190-1
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Tveiten Sidsel
    Yrkesmässig handledning - mer än ord
    2., [rev.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2003 : 263 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-03230-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Gerdman Axianne
    Klient, praktikant, handledare : om att utveckla en egen yrkesteori : handledning av socionompraktikanter
    1. [uppl.] : Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand : 1989 : 129 s. :
    ISBN: 91-46-15676-3 ; 165:00
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Bära eller brista: kommunikation och relationer i arbetet med människor
    Rokenes Odd Harald, Hansen Per-Halvard
    Malmö : Gleerups Utbildning AB : 2007 :

    Sandström Gunbritt
    Att vara socionom : från utbildad till erfaren
    1. uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur Kap 1, 3, 5, 9, 14, 15 : 2010 : 192 s. :
    ISBN: 978-91-44-05990-7
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Börjesson Bengt
    Förstå socialt arbete
    Malmö Liber 2010 : 2010 :

    Cajvert Lilja
    Behandlarens kreativa rum : om handledning
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1998 : 191 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00128-2
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Franke Anita
    Praktikhandledning och mentorskap
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1999 :

    Handledning och praktisk yrkesteori
    Lauvås Per, Handal Gunnar
    2., [utök.]uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur : 2001 : 384 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-01707-3
    Search the University Library catalogue

    Handledning : ett vårdpedagogiskt verktyg
    Petersson Bengt-Olof, Vahlne Lisa
    Lund : Studentlitteratur : 1997 : 107 s. :
    ISBN: 91-44-00078-2
    Search the University Library catalogue