Swedish name: Utvecklingspsykologi med inriktning mot kognitiv och socio-emotionell utveckling
This syllabus is valid: 2024-08-19 and until further notice
Course code: 2PS336
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Psychology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Psychology
Established by: Head of Department of Psychology, 2023-06-20
The course covers development within the cognitive and socio-emotional domains in children and adolescents along with research methodology. Current empirical understanding of select topics (for instance emotion regulation, higher cognitive processes and functions etc.) will be covered at an indepth level encompassing both typical and atypical development. Methodological issues and challenges specific to developmental psychology will be covered. The course is intended for students seeking advanced knowledge in select areas of developmental psychology.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
* demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of typical and atypical functioning in select
areas of child development (for instance emotion regulation and higher cognitive
* knowledge about progression in select areas of child development across childhood and
* demonstrate knowledge and understanding regarding use and interpretation of research
methods in developmental psychology
Skills and ability
* demonstrate ability to integrate knowledge of development in one domain with development in
other domains (for instance moderating effects of cognitive development on socioemotional
* demonstrate ability to account for, and communicate current issues, methods and findings in
select areas of developmental psychology
* demonstrate ability to independently prepare, present and clarify selected themes within the
areas covered in the course
Evaluation ability and approach
* analyze and critically reflect around current research and debates within select areas of
developmental psychology
* critically evaluate typical and atypical development from an empirical and theoretical frame of
* critically evaluate choice and suitability of research methods used in developmental psychology
90 ECTS in psychology, medicine or equivalent.
Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6
The course takes a student active approach and consists of discussions, assignments, student led presentations as well as teacher led lectures. Teaching can occur digitally. It In addition, the students are expected to engage in independent studies and contribute meaningfully through the various activities of the course. The right to receive teaching and supervision applies only during the time the course, for which the student is registered to, is ongoing. The course is given in English.
The students are examined individually on a) oral and written presentation of their assignments and b) written exam. All examining elements will be conducted digitally. Reexams will include similar assignments within two months after the first exam.
Presence of examining elements should be indicated in the schedule. All existing teaching within the course can be examined. Decisions on any deviations from the current form of assessment will be made by the relevant examiner.
The grade for the course will be assigned when the written tests are approved. The possible grades are 'Pass with distinction',' Pass' or 'Fail'. Students are entitled to rewrite the same examination five times. Students who do not pass the regular examination should be provided an opportunity for further examination according to the University's "Regulations for tests and examinations at the undergraduate and graduate levels". A student who has failed two tests for a course or a part of a course, is entitled to have another examiner appointed, unless there are specific reasons against it (HF 6 Chap. 22 §). Requests for new examiners are made to the head of the department of Psychology. Students have the right to be tested on the same curriculum as the regular examination at least two occasions up to two years after the first registration.
Deviations from the form of examination in the syllabus can be made for a student who has pedagogical support due to disabilities. Individual adjustments of the examination form is determined based on the student's needs. The examination form is adjusted within the framework of the expected learning outcomes of the syllabus. After a request from the student the shall examiner, in consultation with the course coordinator and study counselor, promptly decide on the adjusted form of examination. The decision is then to be announced to the student.
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.
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