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PDT for Supplementary Education, 6 Credits

Swedish name: PDT för kompletterande utbildning

This syllabus is valid: 2019-12-30 and until further notice

Course code: 2PS282

Credit points: 6

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Psychology: First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Two-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Psychology

Established by: Head of Department of Psychology, 2020-02-06


Valid from: 2020 week 1

Bergsten Katja
Affektfokuserad psykodynamisk terapi : teori, empiri och praktik
1. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & Kultur : 2015 : 214 s. :
ISBN: 978-91-27-13558-1
Search the University Library catalogue

Yalom Irvin D.
Terapins gåva
3. utg. : Stockholm : Natur & kultur : 2010 : 315 s. :
ISBN: 9789127129528
Search the University Library catalogue

Handbook of psychodynamic approaches to psychopathology
Luyten Patrick, Mayes Linda C., Fonagy Peter, Target Mary, Blatt Sidney J.
New York : The Guilford Press : [2015] : xiii, 578 pages :
ISBN: 9781462522026
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