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Personality and Psychopathology, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Personlighet och psykopatologi

This syllabus is valid: 2012-10-01 and until further notice

Course code: 2PS043

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Psychology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements

Grading scale: Three-grade scale

Responsible department: Department of Psychology

Revised by: Head of Department of Psychology, 2012-10-01


The course provides an overview of different theories of personality and psychopathology with specific emphasis on personality disorder and empirical support for these theories. Integrated with the theories, various measurement methods and tests are included in the course and applied to define normal and deviant personality. The quality of the different measurement methods and tests are evaluated in the context of elementary psychometrics, which also is part of the course. The course ends with an individual research project. Part 1: Theories of Personality (7.5 hp) The first part of the course starts with important concepts in different theories of personality, including self-image and relational schemas, affect and personality, defensive patterns and cognitive schemas. The role of genetics vs the environment for personality is discussed in the course, as well as change vs stability regarding personality and personality disorder. These issues are discussed in relation to both normal and deviant personality. Different methods and tests to measure personality will be treated, and in relation to this, basic psychometric concepts will be discussed. Part 2: Personality in Application with Focus on Personality disorder (7.5 hp) The second course part treats differences between normal and deviant personality. Furthermore, the student will get familiar with and apply a few methods to measure personality disorder and normal personality. In this context the validity and reliability of the methods will be discussed. The possibility of different procedures to change personality will be evaluated based on empirical studies. The second course part ends with an individual in-depth project in the field of personality and psychopathology.

Expected learning outcomes

Part 1: Theories of Personality (7.5 hp) After the course part the student will: • Be able to integrate different theories of personality to define personality and personality disorder, • be able to analyze and critically evaluate empirical studies in the field of personality and personality disorder based on knowledge of different research methods used in the field, • be familiar with how different personality disorder are defined with reference to different theories of personality and methods, and to be able to evaluate and compare these definitions, • be able to apply knowledge of psychometric concepts in order to critically evaluate measurement of personality and personality disorder. Part 2: Personality in Application with Focus on Personality disorder (7.5 hp) After the course part the student will: • Be able to analyze results from different instruments for measurement of personality and personality disorder, • have knowledge about limitations of different measurement methods, • individually be able to use certain instruments to measure personality and personality order, • have knowledge of the rules regarding authorization, rules and promise of secrecy, and ethical principles for handling psychological tests and measurement methods, • be able to critically evaluate scientific studies of different procedures to change and affect personality, and to summerize such results to provide an image of evidence of different treatment methods, • be able to account orally and in writing a theoretical and empirical analysis of a research question in the field of personality and personality disorder.

Required Knowledge

Univ: 90 credits (hp) in psychology or related subject.

Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish Upper Secondary course English A.
Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies

Form of instruction

The teaching forms include lectures, seminars and supervision when conducting a research project.

Examination modes

The examination includes written examination, active participation in seminars, and an individual project that is reported orally and in writing. The grading scale includes failed, passed, and passed with distinction. A student who has failed twice on an examination can request from the Board of Undergraduate Studies in Psychology that another teacher is appointed to grade the project work. The student is entitled 5 examinations within two years after the first registration occasion. To pass the entire course all tests and compulsory parts must have been passed. The grade is an integrated judgement of the results from all examination parts, and is given when all parts have been passed.


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