Swedish name: Nationalekonomi B100:1
This syllabus is valid: 2012-08-20 valid to 2014-07-20 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
Course code: 2NE067
Credit points: 15
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Economics: First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Economics
Module 1: Tools and methods for economists (7,5 ECTS)
The main objective of the module is to provide the student with fundamental knowledge in methods for economists, theoretical as well as practical. Ethical aspects in research are included.
Relevant methods for economists include quantitative as well as qualitative methods. The first part of the course focuses on mathematical concepts needed for studies in economics, e.g. functional forms, algebra, optimization, matrix algebra and derivation. The second part of the course focuses on econometrics, especially key concepts, interpretations and practical use. The main model used is the traditional regression analysis (OLS).
Module 2: Industrial Economics (7,5 ECTS)
The objective of the module is to give the students a good understanding of how firms and markets are organized and how firms and markets interact. The module introduces less simplistic and more realistic models of firms and markets than used on the introductory courses. The starting point for the analysis is the existence of frictions as information asymmetries, transaction costs, menu costs and entry barriers. The module discusses how the firms are organized and how firms compete given these kinds of frictions.
The econometric part of the course is based on the methods from Module 1 but issues like heteroscedasticity are highlighted. Demand analysis and simple models for firm’s profit and used for empirical applications.
Module 1: Tools and methods for economists (7,5 ECTS)
Upon completing this module, students should be able to:
• Apply relevant methods for economists
• Apply mathematical methods such as optimization, matrices and derivations
• Describe the theoretical foundation for the OLS model
• Apply OLS on relevant data, and alsobe able to describe the limitations of the model
• Discuss different ethical aspects connected to research.
Module 2: Industrial Economics (7,5 ECTS)
Upon completing this module, students should be able to:
• Explain central concepts as (demand) price elasticity, firms cost structure ect.
• Explain a representative firm’s profit maximization decision in the short-run as well as the long-run given different market structures.
• Explain how different market structures can arise
• Derive and understand the economical implication of the first- and second order conditions for profit maximization
• Apply regression analysis (OLS) on relevant micro data.
Economics A100, 30 ECTS or equivalent.
The education is given in form of lectures, group sessions and seminars.
The examination can consist of mid-module exams (duggor), written examination in the end of each module, assignments and seminars. The result from the mid-module exams, assignments and seminars are only valid during the current semester.
A second exam opportunity is always offered within a short time span after the regular exam date for those students not achieving a Pass, except Module 4 during spring semesters. The subsequent exam opportunity is either the re-take opportunity the week before the fall semester or the next regular exam date.
The following grading system will be used: Pass with Distinction (Väl Godkänd) Pass (Godkänd) Fail (Underkänd).
Grades on the course are awarded when the student has passed all examinations and compulsory course elements on all four modules. The grade Pass with Distinction on the course requires the grade Pass with Distinction on at least three out of four modules.
When a student has failed an examination on two occasions, he or she has a right to have another grading teacher. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of studies no later than two weeks before the next examination opportunity.
Rules and regulations concerning the production of academic texts and correct referencing will be applicable to all written assignments.
Credit transfer
Academic credit transfers are according to the University credit transfer regulations.
Studenmund A. H.
Using econometrics : a practical guide
6. ed. : Boston, Mass. : Pearson : cop. 2011 : xvii, 616 p. :
ISBN: 978-0-13-137998-5 (internat. ed.)
Search the University Library catalogue
Essential mathematics for economic analysis
Sydsæter Knut., Hammond Peter J., Strøm Arne.
4th ed. : Harlow : Pearson : 2012. : xviii, 745 p. :
ISBN: 978-0-273-76068-9 (pbk.) :
Search the University Library catalogue
Modern industrial organization
Carlton Dennis W., Perloff Jeffrey M.
4. ed. : Boston, Mass. : Pearson Addison-Wesley : cop. 2005 : xviii, 822 s. :
ISBN: 0-321-22341-1 (hft.)
Search the University Library catalogue
Studenmund A. H.
Using econometrics : a practical guide
6. ed. : Boston, Mass. : Pearson : cop. 2011 : xvii, 616 p. :
ISBN: 978-0-13-137998-5 (internat. ed.)
Search the University Library catalogue
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