Main Field of Study and progress level:
Economics: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Economics
Revised by: Rector of Umeå School of Business and Economics, 2016-10-03
The course aims to provide a deeper understanding of environmental economics and policy issues related to environment and natural resources. The course also aims to provide a deeper understanding of the economic implications of environmental policies and to derive adequate tools to enable both theoretical and empirical analysis of environmental economic problems.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course, students should:
- have a thorough knowledge of theories of externalities and emission control
- have a deeper understanding of the link between economic theory and choices of methods for controlling emissions
- have an understanding of key methods used to value environmental goods, and their strengths and limitations
- be able to analyze current environmental policy issues based on relevant theories in environmental and natural resource economics.
Required Knowledge
90 ECTS of undergraduate courses in economics, whereof 30 ECTS on C-level (G2F). Proficiency in English equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary course English B/6. Mathematical Economics I D7, or the equivalent.
Form of instruction
Teaching includes lectures, teacher-led group exercises and seminars.
Examination modes
Examination is in the form of written examination after the course and examining seminars and assignments.
Students that not recieves the grade Pass or Pass with Distinction on the first exam have the possibility to write a second exam within a close time. Subsequently exam opportunities are given the next time the course is offered. In addition to these opportunities are all exams offered in August each year. Contact the study advisor for more information
The course is assessed the grades Fail, Pass or Passed with Distinction. Students with the grade Pass or Passed with Distinction are not eligible to write a new exam in order to raise the grade.
A student that has failed on two exams has the right to apply for a new lecturer correcting the exam. The application has to be sent to the Board for the Faculty of Social Science.
A student accepted to the course has the right to take an exam on the course up until two years after the syllabus has changed or the course has been closed.
Director of Studies at the Department of Economics has the right to decide if a students previous studies at another university can be transferred to Umeå University. A student applying for a credit transfer shall include verified copies of course certificate or the corresponding documents, where the university (or collage), subject, grading date, level, number of credits and grade are included. The syllabus and the literature list have to be attached to the application.
Valid from:
2017 week 52
Natural resource and environmental economics Perman Roger, Perman Roger 4th ed. : New York : Pearson Addison Weslay : 2011. : xxx, 712 s. : ISBN: 978-0-321-41753-4 (pbk.) Mandatory Search the University Library catalogue