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Sociology of Food and Nutrition, 15 Credits

The course is discontinued from 2024-11-25

Swedish name: Kostsociologi

This syllabus is valid: 2007-09-03 and until further notice

Course code: 2KN014

Credit points: 15

Education level: Second cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Food and Nutrition: Second cycle, in-depth level of the course cannot be classified

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science


Why do we eat in the way we do? In this course, students will get insights and knowledge about individual eating in relation to social structures and the cultural background. Different scientific theories and perspectives from the social sciences are applied. How people’s food consumption and food habits are affected by culture, food production, social structure and social change is discussed as well as how other factors such as the way that social class, age and gender can affect food choices and meals. Other topics discussed during the course are how people as social actors influence the food system; how human interaction affects food habits, and views on the body and health, and how this evolves throughout life. The course includes the following components: 1 Social and cultural aspects of people’s food habits (10,5 HE credits) 2 Project work (4,5 HE credits)

Expected learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to: - Describe and explain how a sociological perspective can illuminate the complex relations between individual, household and society in relation to food. - Apply sociological terms and perspectives to the field of food and nutrition. - Apply literature search techniques; select relevant material for the specific topic; examine, evaluate and reference the material. - Examine, evaluate and discuss food and meals from a sociological perspective.

Required Knowledge

Univ: Food and Nutrition A and B or the equivalent.

Form of instruction

Component 1. Social and cultural aspects of people’s food habits Teaching takes the form of lectures, obligatory seminars, laboratory and group work in relation to the course literature. Component 2. Project work This component comprises an individual project involving research of the literature and a written report. Students compile a report that is presented in oral and written form. Attendance at seminars for oral presentations is obligatory. The course requires a lot of individual work and is organised in distance learning form (at half speed) and with meetings in Umeå. You must have Internet access.

Examination modes

Component 1. Social and cultural aspects of people’s food habits Examination is based on individual or group tasks, and presented orally and as a written assignment. There will be one or more written tests given during the course. [Seminars, laboratory and group work requires active participation for a pass grade - only pass (G) and fail (U) grades used for this]. Component 2. Project work The examination comprises written work and a presentation. To pass this component, all mandatory tasks need to be graded pass (G). Overall assessment To pass the whole course, all the tests and mandatory parts need to be graded pass (G). The overall grade is a summation encompassing all parts of course assessment. For a pass with distinction (VG), VG is needed in both course components. For rules and regulations about the examination/assessment see the University’s Code of Rules and Procedures.


The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.