Swedish name: Rumslig analys
This syllabus is valid: 2022-02-14 valid to 2022-09-11 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
Syllabus for courses starting after 2023-05-29
Syllabus for courses starting between 2023-04-17 and 2023-05-28
Syllabus for courses starting between 2023-04-10 and 2023-04-16
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-09-12 and 2023-04-09
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-02-14 and 2022-09-11
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-02-07 and 2022-02-13
Syllabus for courses starting between 2022-01-31 and 2022-02-06
Syllabus for courses starting between 2021-09-27 and 2022-01-30
Syllabus for courses starting between 2021-09-20 and 2021-09-26
Course code: 2KG501
Credit points: 15
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Human Geography: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Geography
Revised by: Head of Department of Geography and Economic History, 2022-04-26
Module 1 Philosophy of Science 3 credits
The module provides basic knowledge in philosophy of science and scientific work. Central concepts within philosophy of science are treated and related to the subject human geography. Historical scientific paradigms and different methodological traditions are discussed. Special attention is paid to the subject's tradition of mixed methods, where quantitative and qualitative methods are used together in human geographical research.
Module 2 Quantitative spatial analyses, 6 credits
The module deals with quantitative geographical methods and analyses relevant to investigations linked to spatial planning and tourism. During the module, regression analysis is treated with a spatial perspective. The spatial analytical perspective also includes data management of geographical information, as well as visualization and analysis of spatial and regional data over time in GIS. Both descriptive and analytical approaches are treated during the module.
Module 3. Qualitative spatial analyses, 6 credits
The module provides knowledge of qualitative methods in geographical research and applied spatial planning. Based on current human geographical research, various qualitative method traditions are treated, where special attention is paid to applications in spatial planning and sustainability work. The course deals with the qualitative focus of the research process from research design, collection of materials to analysis and writing. Conducting an interview study is included in the module. Examples of method traditions that are highlighted are thematic analysis, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, text analysis and biographical approach.
After completing the course, the student is expected to:
Knowledge and understanding
1 have knowledge of central concepts in philosophy of science,
2 have an understanding of different qualitative and quantitative method traditions in human geography,
3have an understanding of what a spatial perspective means in qualitative and quantitative analyses,
Skills and Abilities
4 manage spatial relationships in data with quantitative analyses with different software,
5 apply GIS-based measurements to spatial data for basic statistical analyses,
6 be able to conduct an interview study with a spatial perspective,
7 be able to argue for an appropriate method based on a concrete spatial problem formulation,
8 based on a theoretical approach or previous research be able to apply a method in an analysis of a collected material,
9 ability to compile and present geographical information in an adequate way with text, tables, figures and maps,
10 demonstrate the ability to follow instructions, as well as to implement and orally and in writing present tasks within given time frames.
Judgement and approach
11 critically discuss possible applications of spatial analyses from a sustainability perspective,
12 demonstrate the ability to critically examine scientific studies based on different methodological traditions of ideas in human geography,
13 be able to conduct an in-depth discussion of ethics in the research process,
14 have the ability to relate critically reflexively to one's own analysis and interpretation.
Univ: 120 higher education credits, of which at least 60 higher education credits in one main area. In addition, English B / 6 is required from the upper secondary school.
Teaching arrangement
Teaching is given in the form of lectures, exercises and supervision, as well as seminars where the student is expected to participate actively. Teaching is in English.
Module 1:
An individual written assignment that is presented orally at a seminar (0-10 points).
Module 2:
Three individual written assignments (0-10 points).
Module 3:
An individual written assignment that is presented orally at a seminar (0-30 points).
The assignments are assessed in accordance with the information above. The maximum score on the course is 70 points. At least 50 percent of the maximum score on each assignment is required for passing. Late submissions cannot receive more than 70 percent of the maximum credits for the assignment. If additional work is required to be pass an assignment, the revision must be submitted within 10 working days from announcement of credits by the teacher. The grading scale for the course is Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U). To receive Pass with distinction (VG) for the whole course, the student must have at least 75 percent of the maximum score on module 2 and have at least 75 percent of the maximum score on module 3.
If special reasons exist, the examiner have the right to decide for another examination form. For students in need of special pedagogical support due to disabilities, individual adaptation of examination forms should always be considered based on the student's needs. The examination form is adjusted within the framework of the course syllabus' intended learning outcomes. The course coordinating teacher shall, upon request from the student, consult with the examiner to quickly decide on an adjusted form of examination. The decision shall then be conveyed to the student.
It is not possible to appeal against a received grade, i.e. to get it examined by a higher authority, but a student can always criticize the grading or ask the examiner to reconsider the examination.
Students who have passed an examination cannot redo the examination to receive a higher grade. For students who have not passed an ordinary examination occasion, a new occasion for examination (a re-sit) is offered according to Umeå University's Grading and examination regulations for first- and second-cycle studies (Regulation FS 1.1.2-553-14).
A re-sit shall be offered no later than two months after the ordinary examination occasion, but no less than ten working days after the results of the ordinary examination have been announced.
A student who on two occasions has failed an examination has the right to have another examiner appointed if there are no specific reasons for not doing so (HF chap. 6, §22). Such a request shall be processed as soon as possible. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of undergraduate studies.
Academic credit transfer
A student has the right to apply for a transfer of credits for previous education or activity. Applications regarding transfer of credits are processed by Student Services https://www.umu.se/en/student/my-studies/transfer-of-credits/
In case a course syllabus is no longer valid or has undergone significant revisions, students are guaranteed at least three examination sessions (including the regular examination session) according to the course syllabus the student initially was registered on, for a maximum of two years.
Literature from Department
The ESRI guide to GIS analysis : Vol. 2 Spatial measurements and statistics
Mitchell Andy., Scott Griffin Lauren.
Redlands : ESRI Press : copyright 2021 : 273 sidor :
ISBN: 9781589486089
Search the University Library catalogue
Acock Alan C.
A gentle introduction to Stata
6th edition : College Station : Stata Press : 2018 : xl, 570 pages :
ISBN: 9781597182690
Search the University Library catalogue
Czarniawska Barbara
Narratives in social science research
London : Sage Publications : 2004 : PDF (ix, 157 p.) :
Online access for UMUB
ISBN: 9781412931762
Search the University Library catalogue
Representation : cultural representation and signifying practices.
Hall Stuart, Evans Jessica., Nixon Sean.
2nd ed. : London : SAGE : 2012. : 1 v. :
ISBN: 1-84920-547-7 ¹70.00
Search the University Library catalogue
Sandberg Linda
Fear of violence and gendered power relations : responses to threat in public space in Sweden
Umeå : Kulturgeografiska Institutionen, Umeå Unversitet : 2011 : 78 s. :
ISBN: 9789197834476
Search the University Library catalogue
Discourse analysis as theory and method
Winther Jørgensen Marianne, Phillips Louise
London : Sage Publications Ltd. : 2002 : PDF (229 p.) :
ISBN: 9781847876928
Search the University Library catalogue
Cloke Paul J.
Practising human geography
London : SAGE : 2004 : 1 online resource (xvi, 416 p.) :
ISBN: 9781848604889
Search the University Library catalogue
Hay Iain
Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography
Oxford University Press, Canada : 2021 :
ISBN: 9780199034215
Search the University Library catalogue