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Introduction to GIS, 15 Credits

Swedish name: Introduktion till GIS

This syllabus is valid: 2023-10-16 and until further notice

Course code: 2KG117

Credit points: 15

Education level: First cycle

Main Field of Study and progress level: Human Geography: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements

Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail

Responsible department: Department of Geography

Established by: Head of Department of Geography and Economic History, 2023-10-18


The course provides an introduction to geographical information systems (GIS). In addition to covering topics related to cartography and map design, the course deals with uses of GIS for purposes of visualization and analysis. Both vector and raster data and functionality are given attention. The main software used is ArcGIS Pro.

Module 1: Cartography and map design, 7.5 credits

The module starts with an overview of the capabilities of GIS. Aspects of cartography and map design are then dealt with, as well as the use of GIS to manage, visualize and query geospatial data and conduct basic geoprocessing. Thematic map creation and map layout production constitute important module elements.

Module 2: Editing, geoprocessing and analysis, 7.5 credits

The module focuses on how to use GIS to create and edit vector data, carry out vector and raster data geoprocessing and perform basic spatial analysis. In this context, geodatabase capabilities such as topology rules, as well as ways to automate and document data management and processing, are introduced.

Expected learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

1. explain the principles and utility of GIS,

2. describe the functionality of GIS software and data formats,

3. present central concepts in cartography and map design, such as projections, generalization and symbology,

4. give an account of key GIS tools for data management and processing,

Competence and skills

5. manage, visualize and query geospatial data,

6. create and edit vector data,

7. carry out geoprocessing of vector and raster data,

8. create and interpret thematic maps,

9. produce and present efficient map layouts and other visual representations of spatial data,

10. use GIS for basic spatial analysis.

Required Knowledge

General entry requirements

Form of instruction

Teaching is given in the form of lectures, exercises, supervision and seminars. The course is in English.

Examination modes

The course is examined by the following exams:

Module 1:

Two individual written assignments (Pass/Fail).

Seminar-based oral presentation (Pass/Fail).

Individual written examination (0-40 points).

Module 2:

Two individual written assignments (Pass/Fail).

Individual take-home examination (0-40 points).

The grading scale for the course is Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U). In order to receive the grade Pass (G), a passing grade is needed for all examinations. At least 50 percent of the maximum score is required for passing a scored examination. To receive the grade Pass with distinction

(VG) on a module and the course as a whole, at least 75 percent of the maximum score is required.

Examiners may decide to deviate from the modes of assessment in the course syllabus. Individual adaption of modes of assessment must give due consideration to the student's needs. The adaption of modes of assessment must remain within the framework of the intended learning outcomes in the course syllabus. Students who require an adapted examination must submit a request to the department holding the course no later than 10 days before the examination. The examiner decides on the adaption of the examination, after which the student will be notified.

It is not possible to appeal against a received grade, i.e., to get it examined by a higher authority, but a student can always criticize the grading or ask the examiner to reconsider the examination.

Students who have passed an examination cannot redo the examination to receive a higher grade. For students who have not passed an ordinary examination occasion, a new occasion for examination (a resit) is offered according to Umeå University's Grading and examination regulations for first- and second-cycle studies (Regulation FS 1.1.2-553-14). A resit shall be offered no later than two months after the ordinary examination occasion, but no less than ten working days after the results of the ordinary examination have been announced. For examinations conducted during the months of May and June, the first resit may be offered within three months after the ordinary examination occasion.

A student who on two occasions has failed an examination has the right to have another examiner appointed if there are no specific reasons for not doing so (HF chap. 6, §22). Such a request shall be processed as soon as possible. A written request for an alternative examiner should be handed to the director of undergraduate studies.

Academic credit transfer

A student has the right to apply for a transfer of credits for previous education or activity. Applications regarding transfer of credits are processed by Student Services.

Other regulations

In case a course syllabus is no longer valid or has undergone significant revisions, students are guaranteed at least three examination sessions

(including the regular examination session) according to the course syllabus the student initially was registered on, for a maximum of two years.
