Swedish name: Global rättvisa
This syllabus is valid: 2011-01-17 valid to 2016-11-13 (newer version of the syllabus exists)
Syllabus for courses starting after 2016-11-14
Syllabus for courses starting between 2011-01-17 and 2016-11-13
Syllabus for courses starting between 2009-01-26 and 2011-01-16
Course code: 2KG047
Credit points: 15
Education level: First cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Human Geography: First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Geography
Drawing on concepts of space, place, culture, power, and difference, the purpose of the course is to draw attention to inequalities around the globe and to provide a set of tools for grappling with the unequal conditions in which we find others and ourselves. We also raise the issue of scale in attempting to formulate a coherent conceptual framework for integrating power relations across the globe, from the human body up to global processes. These analytical tools provide a starting point for thinking about the possibilities for social change. Themes include critical perspectives on: sustainability, peoples everyday life strategies, colonialism and imperialism, labor regulations, discourses of the global and the local, the war on terror, migration.
After completing the course the student should be able to: - in writing and during seminars explain processes of global inequalities and its effects on different geographical scales, - in broad outline explain the relationship between the construction of place and categories such as gender, class, ethnicity, and sexuality, - give references to relevant texts and current affairs relating to power relations across the globe, - in writing and in words give account for concepts and theories presented in the course, and - make both written and oral presentations.
The teaching consists of lectures, seminars and group assignments which will be spread all along the course. The introductory part of the course is spent introducing theories, concepts and implications of geographical inequality, primarily focusing on advancing theoretical knowledge. This will be used as a framework and as a tool to independently and in groups analyze crucial issues regarding processes of inequality on different geographical scales. Lectures will be used to illustrate theories on real life cases, whereas seminars and IT-supported discussion forums allow the students to grapple with the issues presented and analyze implications of global inequality arising in different situations and at different locations. A major part of the course is spent working on a larger individual seminar paper that will allow the students to more fully connect the phenomena presented in the course with an area of special interest. The relevancy of place and the intersection of categories such as gender, ethnicity, class and sexuality will be integrated in all lectures, seminars and assignments. Attendance and active participation in seminars, cases and other assignments are required. The spoken and written language of the course is English. The study form is 50%, with possibilities for distance learning. Absence from any of the scheduled meetings requires the completion of an additional assignment.
The examination will consist of a written paper, paper presentation, seminar participation and smaller individual exams, some of which will be IT-related. The grades Pass with distinction (VG), Pass (G) and Fail (U) are used. In order to pass the course and receive a grade, all examinations and assignments need to be completed and receive the grade Pass. Upon request students may receive the grades A-FX. It is not possible to appeal against a received grade, i.e. to get it examined by a higher authority. A student can always ask the examiner to reconsider the grading. A student who has failed two consecutive examinations has the right to get another examiner, unless specific reasons arise (HF Ch.6 §11B). Students are not permitted to retake exams they already passed in order to raise their grade. ACADEMIC CREDIT TRANSFER Credit transfer is always examined individually.
Anderson Jon
Understanding cultural geography : places and traces
Second edition. : Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge : 2015. : xiii, 318 pages :
ISBN: 9780415734493 (hardback)
Search the University Library catalogue
Clark, G.L. (2005):
Money flows like mercury: The geography of global finance. Geografiska Annaler 87 B:2 pp. 99112.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Massey, Doreen (2004)
Geographies of responsibility, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, Geografiska Annaler Volume 86 Issue 1, pages 5-18. Marmots
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Massey, D. (1991)
A Global Sense of Place. Marxism Today, June 1991 pp. 24-29.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Nagar, R., Lawson, V., McDowell, L. and S. Hanson
Locating Globalization: Feminist (Re)readings of the Subjects and Spaces of Globalization. Economic Geography 78, pp. 257-284.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Mitchell, Don, and Nik Heynen.
"The geography of survival and the right to the city: Speculations on surveillance, legal innovation, and the criminalization of intervention." Urban Geography 30.6 (2009): 611-632.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Barnett C
Postcolonialism: space, textuality, and power (Chapter12)
Included in:
Approaches to human geography
London : SAGE : 2006. : ix, 349 p. :
Brah, A. and A. Phoenix
Revisiting Intersectionality. Journal of International Women Studies 5, pp. 75-86.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Marmot M
Social determinants of health inequalities
Included in:
The Lancet.
London : 1996- : 365 : pages 1099-1104 :
Tickell, A (2002)
Neoliberalizing Space. Antipode 34:3 pp. 380-404. Strange, S. (1999): The Westfailure System. Review of International Studies 25 pp. 345354. Sunley, P., Martin, R. &
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Feminist Geographies of the City: Multiple Voice
Preston V, Ustundag E
Included in:
A companion to feminist geography
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub. : 2005 : 617 s. : Chapter 15 :
Silvey R
Geographies of Gender and Migration: Spatializing Social Difference
International Migration Review, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 64-81 : 2006 :
Clark, G.L. (2005):
Money flows like mercury: The geography of global finance. Geografiska Annaler 87 B:2 pp. 99112.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Massey, Doreen (2004)
Geographies of responsibility, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, Geografiska Annaler Volume 86 Issue 1, pages 5-18. Marmots
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Massey, D. (1991)
A Global Sense of Place. Marxism Today, June 1991 pp. 24-29.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Nagar, R., Lawson, V., McDowell, L. and S. Hanson
Locating Globalization: Feminist (Re)readings of the Subjects and Spaces of Globalization. Economic Geography 78, pp. 257-284.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Mitchell, Don, and Nik Heynen.
"The geography of survival and the right to the city: Speculations on surveillance, legal innovation, and the criminalization of intervention." Urban Geography 30.6 (2009): 611-632.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Anderson Jon
Understanding cultural geography : places and traces
London ;a New York : Routledge : 2010. : xvi, 212 p. :
ISBN: 978-0-415-43054-8 (hbk)
Search the University Library catalogue
Barnett C
Postcolonialism: space, textuality, and power (Chapter12)
Included in:
Approaches to human geography
London : SAGE : 2006. : ix, 349 p. :
Brah, A. and A. Phoenix
Revisiting Intersectionality. Journal of International Women Studies 5, pp. 75-86.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Marmot M
Social determinants of health inequalities
Included in:
The Lancet.
London : 1996- : 365 : pages 1099-1104 :
Tickell, A (2002)
Neoliberalizing Space. Antipode 34:3 pp. 380-404. Strange, S. (1999): The Westfailure System. Review of International Studies 25 pp. 345354. Sunley, P., Martin, R. &
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Feminist Geographies of the City: Multiple Voice
Preston V, Ustundag E
Included in:
A companion to feminist geography
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub. : 2005 : 617 s. : Chapter 15 :
Silvey R
Geographies of Gender and Migration: Spatializing Social Difference
International Migration Review, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 64-81 : 2006 :
Mitchell Don
Cultural geography : a critical introduction
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers : 2000 : xxi, 325 s. :
ISBN: 1-55786-891-3 (inb.)
Search the University Library catalogue
Brah, A. and A. Phoenix
Revisiting Intersectionality. Journal of International Women Studies 5, pp. 75-86.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Clark, G.L. (2005):
Money flows like mercury: The geography of global finance. Geografiska Annaler 87 B:2 pp. 99112.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Massey, Doreen (2004)
Geographies of responsibility, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, Geografiska Annaler Volume 86 Issue 1, pages 5-18. Marmots
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Massey, D. (1991)
A Global Sense of Place. Marxism Today, June 1991 pp. 24-29.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Nagar, R., Lawson, V., McDowell, L. and S. Hanson
Locating Globalization: Feminist (Re)readings of the Subjects and Spaces of Globalization. Economic Geography 78, pp. 257-284.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Mitchell, Don, and Nik Heynen.
"The geography of survival and the right to the city: Speculations on surveillance, legal innovation, and the criminalization of intervention." Urban Geography 30.6 (2009): 611-632.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Peck, J & Pred, A. (1997)
Somebody Else, Somewhere Else: Racisms, Racialized Spaces and the Popular Geographical Imagination in Sweden, Antipode, Volume 29, Issue 4, pages 383416
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Tickell, A (2002)
Neoliberalizing Space. Antipode 34:3 pp. 380-404. Strange, S. (1999): The Westfailure System. Review of International Studies 25 pp. 345354. Sunley, P., Martin, R. &
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :
Nativel, C. (2001)
Mapping the New Deal: local disparities in the performance of Welfare-to-Work. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 26 pp. 484 512.
Inst. för geografi och ekonomisk historia :